Can I Use Pliva 334 To Cure An Std? If So Witch Ones? (Page 2)
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I have an std & i still have some Pliva 334 left from a track infection, i would like to know if i can use this to cure the std or if i have to buy more medicine. please help.

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Pilva is normally given to treat mostly non sexually transmitted infections such as your uti and others caused by bacteria. Plz see a doctor to treat sti's if you think you may have contracted one. Plz avoid having oral (giving and receiving) and intercourse before during and a little while after taking your meds to help avoid the spreading of your infection. You can go to your local County health building for little nothing or even free treatment. I hope u seek immediate help.

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The tablet marked Pliva 334 contains 500mgs of Metronidazole, which is an antibiotic, but it is generally only effective at treating certain infections.

Thus, it will likely not help with an STD and, you may not have enough of it to actually fully treat the infection.


You really should see a doctor to get a proper diagnosis and treatment.

Are there any other questions?

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