Can I Start Lo Loestrin Fe 5 Days After My Cycle Started?
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Can I start the pill although my period was on a Friday and today is a Tuesday? I have taken a break of 2 months from taking the pill. Do I need to use other protection beyond the 7 days recommended? thanks.
4 Replies
I am 35 years old, I got irregular periods. Sometimes have it twice in a month and then next month got it late. My doctor recommended me to take LoLo. I got my period and started taking pills, my vaginal bleeding did not stop it is continuous from 11 days, and also got blood clots as well. Should I stop taking pills. I did not have any intercourse during this period. I want to stop my bleeding. I feels so weak and tired.
Okay thank you for your response
You can start them at any time, unless your doctor says otherwise, but that's when you need to use backup protection for the first 7 days.
If you start it when on your period, then it is effective immediately.
The FDA lists the typical side effects of oral contraceptives as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability, breakthrough bleeding and PMS-like symptoms.
Is there anything else I can help with?
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