Can I Skip The Red Pills Of Oralcon Contraceptives?


If I'm still using the white pill at the end of the week then i must start red but what can I do if don't want to menstruate at all?

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Hi i recently started oralcon pills and finished the white line and on the red line can i skip it i dont want to get my period just yet.

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If your doctor approves, you can skip the period week of pills, and just move on to a new pack of active tablets. Many women do so, when it would be inconvenient to have a period, such as if they are getting married, going on vacation, or etc. But there are no guarantees that it will work.

The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability, weight changes, and PMS-like symptoms.

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Wanting to know. I was on white pill. Hubby and I did the deed on Sunday 24 September. On Friday still on white pill but started bleeding. Chose to skip red pill and went straight to white took the 3rd white this morning. Still bleeding. Any advice? Pregnancy test or not?

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Hi there. I last saw my periods on the 6th of last month n i took white ORALCON Pills for 7 days n stopped..I waited for 4 days and was intimate with my partner. now i have not had a menstrual cycle. I took a pregnancy test and it came out negative. I am only 20 days late.. Can the pills might have stopped my periods or I must wait until i am 30 days late and test again?

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If u take all the white pills and take 1 red pill and didn't take the red pills and then after a week took 1 red pill . What effect will it have on you now

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Re: Verwon (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I once took the wrong white pill at the wrong time..I didn't notice the arrows and took the wrong pill..but continued the next day with the line..but taking the right onces where I left off..(took number 5, then next day took 1, then 2,3,4 then 6) since I took 5 first...could that have it's affect?

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