Can Hydrocodone Come In Pink Powder Form?
UpdatedMy son came home with 3 clear capsules with pink powder in them. No markings. I busted him, and he said he was told it was hydrocodone 200 mil. Have you heard of this?
3 Replies
Well, it wouldn't be an mil measurement, that's a liquid measurement, not a dry one.
It is, however, possible for them to come like this if it was something that a doctor prescribed and was specially prepared by a compounding pharmacy. 200mgs of Hydrocodone, though, is not something normally used.
They also usually contain Acetaminophen, with the Hydrocodone.
The only way to really see what this is, since there are no markings, would be to have it lab tested somewhere.
If it were me, I'd just make sure to properly dispose of them.
Under federal guidelines, you should do so by dissolving them in some undesirable substance, such as used coffee grounds or dirty kitty litter, make sure there is moisture in there, so they break down. Do it in a plastic zipper baggie and then dispose of in the trash.
Has anyone else seen Hydrocodone in a pink powder form?
i have seen hydrocodone 10/500 in a pink pill form, they were probably crushed so the kid could snort them! just my opinion and maybe i watch to much intervention BUT thats what it sounds like!
The capsule is hydrocodone (pretty much a Norco) its a new capsule that's out that's made to work faster then the pill for I'm pretty sure the clear cap with pink powder is 10/325 ( 10mgs of hydrocodone and 325 mgs of acetaminophen) there are some othe hydrocodone capsules that are 15/80 and 15/100 that have been on the market for a while that where made to be less toxic on the liver due to it's low dose of acetaminophen hydrocodone is highly addictive dispose of those ASAP! After countionous use of opiates there are VERY hard to quite taking and should never be used recreationally and should always be taken with caution and only when really needed for pain.
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