Can Heavy Use Of Marijuana/thc Cover Up Oxycodone In A Drug Test? (Top voted first)


i am a heavy marijuana smoker and I take 2-5 oxycodone a day for pain. I failed my test at the Dr for a positive that I have been taking it. I have read that pot can overshadow or hide oxy if you are a heavy smoker. I take my pills properly, but it will not show up in my system? Help

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Hi is an almost sure fire way to beat (fake pass) the dreaded UA. First off.. I'm unclear as to who "they" are that called you for your UA but I'm talking about an office based rapid result test so you can get your pills. OK for the best outcome stop smoking pot at least 2 full days before your UA appointment. It can be said to stop more than just 2 days for a better chance of passing. Now..6 hours before your scheduled test take 4 aspirins..not Tylenol not Ibuprofen..strictly aspirin in its most commonly sized pill that being 325 mg..drink 20 oz if water..half an hour later take 2 Midol.. drink 20 more oz of water..4 hours before your appt do some oxy..if you have more oxy take it half hour after 1st dose..then keep drinking at a moderate rate until you start having to need to visit the restroom often..its important to start recycling water..drink ONLY water!!!

At this point take some vitamin B complex..this adds color to urine which you need..clear UA's are suspect..I knew a girl got called back in near the end of the day for an don't want that they go badly..anyway keep drinking water and ideally you should have gone to restroom 10 times before you head to your drugs appt..when you make your drop catch in midstream... **Explanation: office tests are are usually a variant of the rapid EMIT 10 panel expanded..aspirin taken 4-6 hrs before a test has been shown to mess with the common UA test for marijuana only.

Some clinics that don't prescribe suboxone don't test for it FYI.. NOW..we all know THC is stored in fat cells and water won't flush it out..we are doing something else when doing this are flushing metabolites of THC or its identifiers which cause you to test positive..accomplished by turning your body into a water should be taking a whiz every 15 minutes or will pass if you flush the THC metabolites and flush yourself below 50 ng which is a threshold they use for pass or fail..a creative supplement taken as suggested a few days out will keep your creatinine level as well as specific gravity in proper range. If you have home test strips and it really cuts down on stress to do UTest strip and test clean at home before you head to your appt..if you do this prep to the letter you should pass your test...

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I'm on oxy for back pain. I also consume marijuana. They called me and I have to take a urine test for thc tomorrow. I got a cleaner for thc but I have to have oxy in my system. Can i take an oxy and have it show up after I take the detox? Will oxy show up and not thc?

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I replied to you Lori but I didn't do it properly..its someplace with this same date stamp

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I need to take niacin to get rid of the THC in my system but how can I show I'm taking my Xanax after I take the niacin?

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Re: Maricica (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I'm a chronic pain sufferer plus I have seizures from a car wreck in 2009. I blew my face, nose, and eye open. I have horrible trigeminal, super orbital, and tricoclear nerve damage. Long story short my Dr let me consume marijuana, never had a problem with it. She even recommended me to use it for my seizures.... Now I have to pee in a cup for my insurance co. because I now have to get my medicine authorized again (even though it was good till February) does this system truly work? My life, Dr, and medicine is on the line. I'm 30 and about 100lbs. I was only given a 2day-ish warning. Plus that a**hole governor from Ohio is making a bunch of Drs drop their patients that's on a lot of medicine... It's not my fault, if I had the choice I would have never survived my wreck. If I knew my life would be this way. If I was some junkie I would understand. But I did nothing wrong. At 20yrs old I lost my life, face,and freedom. I have now had 3-4 surgeries including when they had to put Humpty Dumpty back together. I wish the government would look at it from a TRUE PAIN SUFFERER! Not from an addicts angle. It's hurting the people who honestly NEED it. I would LOVE to show anyone who doesn't necessarily need it, what true pain is. They do it for s***s and giggles, and because of that now it's doing nothing but hurting the people who need the help. NOT just cause they just want to feel high! I was a gymnast for 14yrs, I THOUGHT I knew what pain was. THERE IS NOTHING LIKE NERVE PAIN... I hope your way works..... Thank you :)

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Re: Rochelle (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

The niacin is to color the urine - nothing else. We are talking about a fake pass not being clean. As far as the xanax goes go ahead and take one about 4 hrs before test time just as an extra measure.

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Re: Rochelle (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Niacin only adds color to your UA if your drinking a ton of water before hand. That's that only role niacin plays when someone is studying for their test.

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Re: OtterLover7420 (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

The best it does is give somebody a fighting chance. There is the lo fat detox diet some of these commercial cleanse companies use coupled with my plan that helps even better.

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Re: Lori (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Mine always did..I took a dose about 5 hrs before my test. After my first dose I would take a second dose about half hour afterward.

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