Can Cymbalta Cause False Positive Tests For Methamphetamine?


I'm in a hospital paralyzed from my T-6 down becuz of an abscess which was MRSA on that vertebrae in my spine! Well my Dr came in this morning and told me he's not going to give me anymore narcotic pain meds! He claims I'm testing positive for meth! My question is, cymbalta's the ONLY new drug I'm taking. Does Cymbalta cause false positives for methamphetamine?

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I'm also testing positive for methamphetamines and I take Cymbalta - I have never taken methamphetamines in my life.

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Re: clay (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I took my first drug test today after being put on this damn antidepressant and the doctor called and told me I need blood work cause I tested positive for methamphetamines, and that's the only new drug I've been put on. I'm very upset.

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Can Azithromycin cause a false positive for illicit drugs such as cocaine?

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I’ve been taking that for years and I’ve never tested positive. Seems strange

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Re: LUCKY (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Azithromycin is an antibiotic. It absolutely will NOT test positive for cocaine. If you're coming up positive for cocaine than you're probably using cocaine. I work in a pharmacy and there is no legal drug that would test positive for cocaine that I or my pharmacists have ever heard of.

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