Can Anyone Recommend A Good Dr.
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Can anybody recommend a good Dr. that can identify with chronic pain and will give me the medication that my previous Dr. prescribed me? With a good sense of humor! I live in near Riverside, Ca. area.

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Here's a copy of my questionCan anybody recommend a good Dr. that can identify with chronic pain and will give me the medication that my previous Dr. prescribed me? With a good sense of humor! I live in near Riverside, Ca. area.and thank you so much for the nice reply and advice! I had my Dr. for a couple of years and I was one of his first he would spend a lot of time with me and my conditions.I have 4 bulging/ herniated disks and 2 of them just ruptured. I have to get a second opinon of this right away because I heard its serious. One of the disks are pinching a nerve that causes severe pain 24/7 my left leg goes complete numb that its like I'm paralized I just fell down a flight of stairs. I also have a torn minicus in my knee that is so swollen and painful I can barely walk. Well now my Dr. is so busy he actually told me that I had so many problems he could not handle me! I thought he was joking but he wasn't! He has not sent me to any other Dr. like Orthopedics,Neuorosurgeons, or anything. He did have an MRI done though so thats how I found out about everything. I really did like him and he made me comfortable for how much pain I'm in. But I cannot wait around any longer, I need some good help. The meds.that I,ve been on are... Norco 120 or sometime 180 a month. Oxycontin 60 a month but did not like it it made me sick. Lyrica, flexeril, (did not like either).He would sometimes switch me to Roxycontin and that really worked.and. Hydrocodone. Now that really worked too. So I need to find a Dr. now who can do something about my back and knees and I will also need the meds.soon until I can actually have some kind of surgery. I have constant pain and its to the point I cannot get out of bed. So if anybdy knows a good Dr. in my area, I live in Menifee, Ca. I'm 20 minutes from Riverside, and twenty minutes from Temecula. I hope I left enough details. Please if anybody has any advice please feel free to write me! Pam

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Sorry, I totally missed the chronic pain in your post. It's been a long day.

Okay, so she needs someone that ca handle pain management, anyone?

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I don't live in that area, so I am afraid I am not much help finding a doctor, but there are 2 possible barriers I see with your post.

There is no guarantee that any doctor will prescribe the same medication, however, when you do find one, be sure they get a complete copy of your medical records from your previous physician, so they can see what medication worked for you.

The second problem is the sense of humor!! After so many years in school, most doctors seriously lack this!!

It may also help you get a recommendation if you post the medication, or at least the drug class, if you don't want to be specific, that way people know what type of doctor you are looking for!

Can anyone recommend a doctor?

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