Can Amox Clav 875 Mg Treat Oral Sti's?


On Monday I started to feel a sore throat coming on. On the next day it got worse, and I started feeling pain whenever I swallowed. I thought I might have gotten strep throat, because I went to a house party on Sunday and may have shared some drinks with friends. However, I wasn't experiencing other strep symptoms like fever, headache, or runny nose. I went to the doctor, and she also thought I had strep as well, but my strep test came back negative. However, she decided to give me "amox-clav 875-125 mg" anyway. I later remembered that I was intimate with a man on Saturday, and wondered if I may have caught some oral STI or something. I looked up the the symptoms, and the ones I had were the same as the symptoms for Oral Gonorrhea. So I think I may have gotten Oral Gonorrhea instead of strep. By now the medication I've been taking has worked and I'm not experiencing symptoms anymore, but I'm wondering if I still have it. Does amox-clav 875-125 mg completely treat Oral Gonorrhea?

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