Can A Pharmacist Call A Different Pharmacy To Discuss My Recent Meds?
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I recently went to a pharmacy to fill a prescription for Norco and the pharmacist called a different pharmacy across the street and shared information about the meds I have filled recently. It was a different pharmacy chain but it is a small town in PA. Is this legal?
10 Replies
It is Not illegal as long as the pharmacist was talking to another pharmacist. Each state has a Prescription Monitoring Program that pharmacist, drs and other designated individulas can look up anyone prescription history in. No one needs the patients permission to do this.
Unfortunately no its not illegal
Yes. ER laws allow pharmacies and other practitioners to share information in order to prevent "script shopping" and "doctor shopping," as both practices have potential serious consequences for all parties concerned--especially patients.
You're right about HIPPA. Privacy my ass. But the national DEA database wasn't (isn't) down to the patient or even Dr. Level (That I could be wrong about). In recent years, most (near 40 I think), have controlled substance databases that pharmacists are required to use. Now Doctors and pharmacists can see your whole controlled substance history. Prior to that, pharmacists "calling around", if they suspected someone of "doctor shopping" was common.
That's not what happened. There is a central dea database on the internet free of charge that any pharmacist can and is supposed to log into before filling a control.substrate script. It shows the drug filling history and its provided by information patient portability act. This act makes you're health info portable so authorized users can access it. I know ..I'm am authorized user.
Or put another way, this act can save someones life. If you end up comatose in an er they can look up and see what you've been on. It also saves on unnecessary duplication of an analysis, because the health info is on a central data base to be accessed
People always misunderstand hippa..they think it protects their privacy medically. Out only protects it from unauthorized users
Actually you are wrong about hippa. It is the law that enables healthcare agencies , drs, pharmacies, insurance, federal, and police to share information about you. It protects your privacy from the man on the street. The Heathcare Info Patient Portability Act ..Hippa.authorizes the release of your healthcare info.
People always get this info wrong. There is a dea database that tracks your controlled substance use. It is called CURES or the pdmp a federal prescription drug monitoring program. Drs and pharmacists and authorized users can access this free of charge on the internet just by signing up.
Failure to utilize this resource is considered negligence by the prescriber and pharmacist.
The medical , pharmacy boards as well as the dea will get you. Ignorance of a patients Dr shopping is no excuse.
So in response .pharmacists are not calling each other. Anyone can log in and see where you've been and what you're taking.
This system also tracks pharmacies that are dispensing huge amounts of drugs as well as the names of drs who are writing these bad prescriptions.
We really know it's not moral. Nor ethical,but they 'll find some loopholes to cover their assets like cops, maybe just because it is a small town and it was a narcotic, thst puts you in a category of probable cause. Please excuse my jargon, I hope u understand what I mean. My Walgreen s simply posts sign telling you it . May use other info to process your script, but that's another Walgreen s. So that's is b.s. if that was not the same chain, they violated your HIPPA. I take Ms Contin and Norco. I've been through all harrassment. They shouldn't have done that. Our government says we have theses rights but REALLY they're taking them away fight along with gun rights. I m curious to know if you had any results or did you speak to someone basically what was the conclusion!?
Almost all States now have the capability to show controlled substances, the type, the quantity, the Doctor and the date, when filling, you don't have to check, it pops up, and certainly narcotics schedule II. The Pharmacist has all legal rights to check any Pharmacist, Doctor, or Nurse that there is a record of you filling narcotics from, to inquire if the prescription is legit in every way. Dr. shopping causes this data base in the States.
What was the purpose of his call?
That's really what it all boils down to. If you were also getting medications filled at the other pharmacy and he valid reason to check on what you had prescribed previously, then no it isn't illegal. Most pharmacies use computer systems that do this very same thing, but some of the smaller ones don't have access to the large databases.
If he had reason to believe that you may not have been up front with him about everything you are taking, or you said you didn't remember and had meds filled at the other pharmacy, then it is actually responsible of him to check. They do have to worry about drug abuse, allergies and medication interactions.
If he called for absolutely no reason, then there would be a problem.
All prescriptions you have filled are in various databases, especially ones for controlled substances.
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