Can A Drug Test Tell The Difference Between Percocet, Oxycontin Or Roxicet?
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Can a drug test tell the difference if you are taking Percocet, Oxycontin or Roxicet?

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Hydrocodone shows up different then oxycodone on a drug test brands names do not matter it's what the active ingredients are and YES it will show most test because most strip test are 10 panel and will generally show pos for narcotics but as standard protocol they already send pos results to the lab once there then they can pick out exsctly what you're of narcotic was in your system.

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No, the active narcotic ingredient in all of these is Oxycodone and that is all that would be detected on drug tests.

However, if you have a prescription for one and take something else, they may learn of that, because many doctors use tests that also show the levels of the relevant narcotic in your system.

When you are prescribed a certain dosage, then the amounts should fall within a certain range and anything outside of that range can alert them to a problem.


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