Can Vimpac Harm Me If I Have Never Had A Seizure (Top voted first)


Dr gave me Vimpac and said I was having seizures but I have never had one. Been on it for 6 months and now I have headaches, a rash on the side of my neck, balance is off and vision is blurry. I also have trouble sleeping at night but also trouble keeping myself awake during the day. I'm more depressed and my anger has stepped up times 20. What should i do cause the dr won't do anything right now. & no I have not had any blood work since I have been on the drug. 6 months going on 7.

2 Replies

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There are different types of seizures, so sometimes people don't realize that they are experiencing a seizure. For example, my husband has been diagnosed with epilepsy, after experience weird moments where he'd get a feeling of deja vu and kind of space out for a few minutes, then experience a bad headache, afterwards… it turns out he was having focal point seizures. Those symptoms are not something you'd typically expect, when you hear of someone having a seizure. You usually thinking of them going into full blown muscle jerking, limb flailing, slobbering, head pounding and etc.

What symptoms were you experiencing that led your doctor to believe you were having seizures?

And no, this medication is not usually harmful, in the case that you've been misdiagnosed, it is sometimes used in those without a seizure disorder to treat never pain and some mood disorders.

Those can be typical side effects of this medication, as reported by the FDA. Other side effects may include nausea and dizziness.

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I had an EEG and it showed seizure activity but I don't have any of those you described. I was sent to this specialist because my Dr thought I might have MS. With this medicine I'm now having headaches and other symptoms.

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