Can Tylenol #4 Be Split Safely?
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Doctor prescribed Tylenol #4 for shingles pain. Can Tylenol #4 be split in half? There is too much codeine in a whole one. It makes me light headed and nauseous.

2 Replies

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It is not a time released medication, so it can be split, as long as your doctor approves.

The FDA warns that codeine carries the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, constipation, and dry mouth.

Are you on any other medications, Judy?

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To the person asking about splitting Tylenol # 4 in half as it is making you feel nausea. My advice would be to make sure you're not talking it on an empty stomach, as with most pain medications they should be taken with food, however, always read and follow any prescriptions directions and understand their side effects.

I would immediately stop taking the medication and consult your Doctor to insure your not taking any conflicting medications; or try a synthetic pain reliever such as Hydrocodone, as many people are allergic to Codeine.

Personally however I think Codeine/tylenol # 3 and #4 are junk drugs that's uses should be limited to Dental Pain and sinus infections. Any pain more severe you may as well be trying to shoot an Elephant with a BB Gun.

As in order to benefit from these two medication's and experience any form of pain relief many people end up taking more than directed, and this particular medication will make you feel sick before masking any pain at all!

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