Can Taking Bactrim Ds 800160 Cause Frequent Urination (Top voted first)


I am taking bactrim ds 800/160 for upper respiratory
can it cause frequent urination?

10 Replies

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I have been using bactrim for 6 days since I got a cyst removed from under my arm and it seems like I urinate every 30 minutes. It's very uncomfortable getting up out of my sleep through the night to use the restroom. Hopefully after the four more days I have left to take them, my urination will get back to normal.

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I havent had any bad side effects which is great. I was on cipro and had horrible side effects so i love this medication. Only problems ive had is frequent urinating.

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does bactrim make your urinate a lot more espically if your drinking to much water

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i had to use bactrim for a infection, on the label said it could cause kidney stones, which i got one later. i refuse to take bactrim.

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You are supposed to drink at least a whole glass of water with each pill to prevent the formation of crystals.

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It is really difficult to determine how any person will react to any given medication, even an antibiotic like this one, which contains Sulfamethoxazole and Trimethoprim.

There are several reports of people that have experienced frequent urination, while taking it, however you may want to consult your doctor to rule out other problems, such as a urinary tract infection.


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I just started taking bactrim ds 2 times a day total of 4 pills 160/800 for 2 spider bites on my leg one had to be lanced and has a piece of string it to help drain ....MY ? Is how safe is bactrim so far I have had no reaction to it but have only took 4 pills 2 at the ER they gave me and 2 at home is their anything I should be worried about...thanks PS it is the generic form

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I doing a lot of urine and I was thinking that some thing wrong with me. I use tablet for infection but thanks for letting m know that it is the side effect of it.
I left two days before but I run a lot to the washroom and I feeling like still have the effect

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I'm taking. bactrim it seems they make me go alot . Is that normal during use.

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Which is better to use and ease the pain for sore throat? ice cream or warm salty water?

I am currently taking a generic brand of Bactrim

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