Can Suprep Be Prescribed Annually Just To Cleanse The Colon Without A Required Colonoscopy (Top voted first)
UpdatedSuprep tastes awful and causes some discomfort for about an hour each round, but it effectively cleans the colon. A yearly cleansing of this sort seems like it would be beneficial to colon health and getting rid of toxins. Not sure though if it is safe and if any physician would prescribe it in this way or if it is even permitted. Any medical professionals who could answer this?
4 Replies
Hello, Magpie! How are you?
No, they would not. There are reasons it is a prescription only product that is only intended to be used for cleansing before certain procedures.
If you wish to detoxify and cleanse at other times, there are safer products you can use, many of which are available over the counter.
Is there anything else I can help with?
Chill liquid overnight. When time to drink... Mix solution with melted Italian water ice rather than water and drink thru straw. Immediately after each sip suck a cut piece lemon with stevia on it. Never tasted the bad taste!
Chill liquid overnight. When time to drink... Mix solution with melted lemon Italian water ice rather than water and drink thru straw. Immediately after each sip suck a cut piece lemon with stevia on it. Never tasted the bad taste!
I had a colonoscopy 5 years ago, and I'm having one tomorrow. I agree the Suprep is pretty gross, but I have no problem with it. 2 years ago I had hemorrhoids and my MD suggested using probiotics. It's one big pill a day for 2 or 3 weeks. No side effects for me; and afterwards, my bowels were really cleaned out.
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