Can Morphine Sulfate Stay In Your System After Three Days?
UpdatedI've been having severe hip and lower back problems. My roommate gave me one and a half of his Morphines. I took it on Friday at 6 am and had a urine test on Monday at 4:45 pm. Do you think I'll test positive. I have prescriptions for everything else I've taken.
9 Replies
No, you did not take high enough doses for a long enough period of time for this to show up in your drug test.
However, if your pain is severe enough to require Morphine, then you really need to speak to your doctor and find something that will help you.
Have they prescribed you any type of pain medication?
ive tooken 8 8mg dilaudas from mon thru fri about 3pm was the last time i took 1 but i have a drug test on wed 10am do you think it will show up or no
Iv never posted to anything like this before. Its way out of caricter. I've been on teamadol for over a year for chronic back and hip pain. My doctor is very strick and reluctant to perscribe pain meds. But now (after multiple visits) she was agreed to give to 20 vicoden a month (woopedy doo) for break through pain. But they also made me sign a pain contract. So when my first month was up and I requested a refill they are wanting a UA. I'm remembering that about a week ago I took a half of a extended relief morphine pill and the other half the next day, and 3 days before that I had taken a oxycodone. I has in a lot of pain and my brother gave them to me. I know now vhow stupid that was. I'm really nervous to destroy everything I have accomplished with my Dr. They left me a message 3 days ago to come do the UA. But I have been so busy, and nervous about this I haven't gone. Any words of wisdome out there please?
Yes my friend... Get another Doctor!!
I have serious back/hip/leg and neck pain. I am only 36 years old. Fit 6'2" 210 lbs. I could not work or even walk if I were not on my meds. I take 130mg of Morphine ER twice a day. (A 100mg & a 30mg) I also take Morphine IR 30mg every 4-6 hrs for breakthrough pain. You should not be afraid of your Dr. That is a bad sign. If you really are in pain & not abusing the drugs she should write the correct medication you need so you DON'T divert and use other stuff. It is her fault too. If she would give you what you need to be out of pain there would be no problem. The "Ultram" she has you on is not a narcotic and why would she only write a Rx for 20 Hydrocodone? She is B.Sing you. If you have MRI & documents you have a problem you need to get to another Dr. Like a Neurologist or any M.D who deals with pain issues. What she is doing is not right. I have 2 M.D.'s in my Family and 3 R.Ph's... I am very well aware of all the CII-CV and what is what. She is blowing smoke up yer butt. You should NEVER be afraid or worried to go to your Dr. That is one place u should feel safe and find relief. Take care. ;-)
Yes my friend... Get another Doctor!!
I have serious back/hip/leg and neck pain. I am only 36 years old. Fit 6'2" 210 lbs. I could not work or even walk if I were not on my meds. I take 130mg of Morphine ER twice a day. (A 100mg & a 30mg) I also take Morphine IR 30mg every 4-6 hrs for breakthrough pain. You should not be afraid of your Dr. That is a bad sign. If you really are in pain & not abusing the drugs she should write the correct medication you need so you DON'T divert and use other stuff. It is her fault too. If she would give you what you need to be out of pain there would be no problem. The "Ultram" she has you on is not a narcotic and why would she only write a Rx for 20 Hydrocodone? She is B.Sing you. If you have MRI & documents you have a problem you need to get to another Dr. Like a Neurologist or any M.D who deals with pain issues. What she is doing is not right. I have 2 M.D.'s in my Family and 3 R.Ph's... I am very well aware of all the CII-CV and what is what. She is blowing smoke up yer butt. You should NEVER be afraid or worried to go to your Dr. That is one place u should feel safe and find relief. Take care. ;-)
Thank you for your responce. I am scared of my doctor! Unfortunately I'm stuck with her because I'm on a HMO. Every time I see anyone at their clinic (kaiser perm) I totally get the brush off. I have had an MRI (after monthes of pain) showing a buldging/degenerated disk pushing on my sciatic nerve. And some mild arthritus in the facette joint. I've had kyphosis since I was a kid. I get pain and tender pionts in my mid-upper back. And now my right hip is hurting and aching all the time. And all they did for that was take my 40 copay and showed me some hip flexer streches. Its SO frusterating that i m treated like a drug adict and med seeker, when I'm in real pain. I should't have to accept meds from somone else if they would help me. But, because I'm only 29 and othwise healthy, they brush me off. :o( I wish I knew how to deal with these doctors.
Most pain relief doctors are there to help you with legitimate pain relief,I find that if you are up front and remain honest with them they will continue to help you. The main reason for the testing is to make sure you are taking the meds they precribe.
You need to get a referral from that Dr. and go to pain specialist, they are everywhere and you just need to look around. They want you to provide an MRI or Xray so they can prescribe the right meds, and they will also want you to sign a pain contract. This covers them from the DEA, and they wont be labeled as just a pill mill. A real pain MD will take care of you and prescribe the right meds for you. If you are a Veteran you can go to your local VA hospital and get treatment, and depending on your status it might be free.
What city are you in? I agree that you should find another doctor - a good pain and addiction doctor who understands such things and is compassionate - doctors should never be strict nor should they make a patient feel shamed because he/she needs medications - one would not readily know it but having worked in this field for as long as I have I see it all the time - most folks do not wish to abuse their meds - they simply want relief. As far as signing a pain contract goes that is pretty much standard these days and is not that big of a deal - it is there for the doc to protect himself and to make sure you are not abusing your medicines. I would however find a doc who is kind, understanding and well knowledged in the field of pain management and also addiction as they are almost always much kinder and much more understanding and wiling to work with you so that you can become pain free. Good luck.
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