Can Lo Loestrin Fe Cause Pregnancy Symptoms? (Top voted first)


Hi ! I started taking Lo Loestrin Fe last month. During my first month I never got a period just some light brown discharge for about two days. I'm not on my second week of my second month pack and last week I had some spotting. I have had protected sex with my boyfriend about 5 or 6 times in the past month but he uses a condom and pulls out so I don't think I could be pregnant! I have been very constipated at times and my stomach also is really bloated. I gained a few pounds and my breasts sometimes hurt. Are these normal side affects? I'm really worried! please help!

3 Replies

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Have you consulted your doctor?

Hormonal contraceptives can cause some symptoms like this, but they shouldn't be that severe and, regardless of how careful you are, if you are sexually active, there is always the possibility of getting pregnant.

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Hi. Im on my second week of loestrin. I missed about two pills by accideny an after everytime of javing sex which is unprotected I spot either pink or brown an im very Moody. Is this normal

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I've been on the pill for about 2 weeks and started spotting. When will this go away?

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