Can Lidocaine Cause A Positive Drug Test (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I went to court, and took a drug screen and I was tested positive for cocaine. The day before my doctor gave me a shot that had lidocaine in it.

49 Replies (3 Pages)

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Re: Kevin (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

He wasn't being RUDE or acting like he wasn't HUMAN!! Wow...that's dramatizing a little, don't you think?

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Are there any answers for a failed hair test for cocaine after seeing a dentist? I've never taken the drug at all. Please help.

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Will lidocaube/Novocaine show up in an ORAL drug swab?cannot seem to get answer

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I had an antibiotic shot that had 0.9 ml of lidocaine 1% in it. Will it show up on a hair follicle test?

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Re: got2bme38 (# 36) Expand Referenced Message

A lot of over the counter meds can cause many different false positives for different substances. Delysm, Robitussin, that contain DXM can cause a false positive for PCP and LSD. Tylenol can spark false positives. ZOLOFT of all things can cause a false Benzodiapine positive. I was accused many times of taking benzos when they're not prescribed to me, it took my genius doctor to realize the Zoloft was doing it. Unless they run a thorough test and not just a quick piss in a cup test, false positives can happen. Just because they can cause false positives does NOT mean they certainly will. Just ask for a hair follicle test which goes back 6 months.

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Re: Deeshankem (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Any benzodiapen will test positive for that. Could be a certain sleeping pill, anti antianxiety, etc.

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Re: Forensic lab tech for 20 years (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

During my lip filler appointment, the doctor put this cream (very thickly spread) inside my lips and outside on my lips and mouth. It was nasty tasting....I read that the combination of numbing agents has cocaine in it and I joked that I may test positive should I be tested and my plastic surgeon says that I would test positive as I’m ingesting it....I’m not expecting a test anytime soon but plastic surgeons use the same numbing for lip filler as they do for nose jobs and that’s straight from my Dr's mouth.

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Re: Forensic lab tech for 20 years (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I know lidocaine can produce a false positive in a powdered sample thought to be cocaine as it is similar in chemical structure. I know because it happened to me. Having a similar chemical structure to cocaine if it got broken down in the body for elimination, wouldn't some of those metabolites be similar to each other causing a positive reading? Do you know exactly which metabolite it is it looks for to make the result a positive and whether this metabolite is produced in the body after taking in lidocaine? I know from my own experience and research into the topic the manufacturers of these drug testing kits will play down the effects of false positives, even lie about their occurrence all to sell their product which which is morally wrong and ruining the lives of countless innocent people.

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Fought the lab tech! I too took a urine test for my grandson which we all knew at some point we would be taking. So I was just prescribed lidocaine on Friday and took my test today. I have lupus and take a pain meds and a nerve meds! I don't do ANY illegal drugs! I see a pain management Dr every month and he also does random testing. My test came back showing a low dose of coke! I was shocked! And extremely embarrassed this being my reputation and for my grand baby. So my attorney and I requested a hair test because we both said it had to be lidocaine. I see lots of specialists and I'm always getting urine tested. For some reason all these doctors do them. I just had 2 other ones this month, 1 for my job and my Dr. Neither of those were a fail; that was before the lidocaine. I was sent to a drug test company who even said that a quick test with the use of the lidocaine is what did it cause there is 1 thing that coke and lidocaine have in common and if the test isn't sent off to be analyzed it can show failed. But I wasn't taking anymore chance! I opted for 90 day hair test! So to everyone on here yes it can sometimes show up as coke! If it does you need to request that your urine be sent off and analyzed. If you have already lost your child or job get a lawyer are do whatever you can to get your reputation back. Hair drug test usually cost around $100 in Alabama. We even called pharmacies and it was even in the US pharmacy book. I can't remember the name of 1 thing that causes it. But I can tell you that quick test aren't reliable. It doesn't always do it but it can. My test showed top line was faint and they said since it was faint that I had to have used it at some point. So if you don't do drugs and you don't want your reputation slandered fight for a send off test. They do something with a gas and it separates that. But you need to make sure whoever is doing your test knows what happened and make sure they do that gas test. I'm sorry I don't know what the actual testing process it but the place I went to told me about it and told me they could of sent off my urine. Hope this helps! And yes the 20 year lab tech was right about the test the lab does. Just not right about a urine test.

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