Can I Use Sinucon While Pregnant?


I am 8 weeks pregnant. I have a cold and have always believed in Sinucon, but before I take any I'd like to know if I can take it while pregnant?

11 Replies

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Please check with your doctor, before using it.

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Please do not take any med without talking to your doctor. anything taken can pass through your system & into the baby.maybe the doctor might have another suggestion. When I was pregnant I was so worried about anything (this was back in the 80s)that I wouldn't even drink pepsi ! Glad I did my children turned out very healthy.God bless & I am praying for a healthy baby for you!

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Im not sure but i suspect and feel pregnant i have flu congestion causing blocked nose and i took degoran capsules and sinucon can it dangerous if im pregnant

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Im 12 weeks+ pregnant, and really got the flu bad! I am a strong believer in Sinucon plz plz let me know if its safe take.:(

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Hi Iam 23 weeks pregnant and have a very bad flu,nose blocked,throat is sore and dry cough.Went to my doctor yesterday,we did a scan and everythng seem fine,but he gave me sinucon for the flu.Now all my friends and family tells me that Iam not allowed to drink Sinucon as it will harm my baby.Please help.Iam so worried as I already drank of the tablets three times.

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Can I use sinucon drops when pregnant. In fact the pharmacist gave me those. Please help me, I really need your help.

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It is save to take sinucon tables while I am pregnant

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Hey im 1and half month pregnant and my doctor gave me sinucon tablets to drink is it safe for me and my unborn child im really worried pls help.

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Can I use Sinucon if I am two months pregnant?

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Is it safe to take Sinucon tablets while pregnant?

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Can I use Sinucon in my 8th week of pregnancy?

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