Can I Take Methadone With Adderall? (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Can you take Methadone while being prescribed Adderall?

86 Replies (5 Pages)

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I believe what you experienced was not a result of taking Methadone and Adderall together. What you have explained sounds more like a Type III Anaphylatic reaction to a single medication. These symptoms would have happened without the additional medication. But you are right about not taking Rx medication together that was not prescribed to you for a particular condition or disease. Individuals who tempt fate by doing this often end up 6 feet under or suffering severe cognitive impairment permanently.

With that said, I have been taking Methadone, Oxycodone, and Adderall together almost daily for 9 years without any severe side effects. Especially like the ones you experienced.

While it is extremely difficult to diagnosis over social media, I would hope you see that it was not the mixing of medications but a single medication. This means if you take a single dose of either medication, there is a strong probability and larger possibility that you will suffer another anaphylactic reaction similar to the previous reaction.

I hope all have a Blessed Day!!

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Yeah you can I did.. Its sucked bad for two weeks. That's all lies your counsulers tell you because they got lied too.. Its all about money.

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You are probably experiencing the depressive effects from the Adderall because it affect the release and uptake of two major chemical in your brain, norepinephrine and dopamine. I personally believe that if you start experiencing the depression, agitation, etc. it is because you have depleted the stores of each and your body has not been able to recover between doses. These effects seem to be more prominent in older individuals, severely stressed individuals, malnourished individuals, etc.. Basically, individuals who are not healthy and not receiving enough nutrition. Just like any machine that wears out or does not have adequate fuel will not be able to run as it should. Pardon my mechanical parlance. Have a very blessed day.

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To be accurate, Adderall is classified as a sympathomimetic amine and is a mixture of four forms. Adderall contains two amphetamine compounds and two dextroamphetamine compounds. Amphetamine is not as strong as dextroamphetamine which is approximately five times more potent. The strongest amphetamine is methamphetamine which is seldom used and only for unresponsive severe obesity and severe narcolepsy when all other medication have failed to control a specific condition.

Once more you can take Methadone and Adderall together if it is prescribed to be part of your treatment plan. Physicians and pharmacists know how to prescribe and dispense these medications and are the professionals you should go to for advice. I have personally taken Methadone 80mgs and Adderall 30mgs twice a day for nearly ever day as prescribed by my CPP for the past 7 years without a single severe side affect. The only problem I have is an occasional dry mouth.

I can tell what happens when I do not take this medication. My pain starts to increase to were I am unable to get out of bed and unable to walk because of the severity of pain. Also, fatigue sets in and the metal fog starts developing. I may sleep for several hours but the pain then keeps me from resting. After a couple days I am so fatigue the I cannot focus an often drift of for only minutes until my pain overrides the fatigue. I have often wondered what would happen if I had to continue without restful sleep and in severe pain. Could I possibly experience a mental break? Without my medication I do not go into withdrawal as most do because my health problems are much greater than the discomfort of withdrawal.

A little side note how I did almost die from septic shock. I have so much pain that when I developed pylonephritis I did not know and I developed sepsis and start to have multiple organ failure. All I remember is gong to bed and then waking up four days later in CICU being take of mechanical ventilation and not know what had happened. That is the most scared I have even been because I did not know why I was there, was my family ok, was I in an accident and only I survive? It took a while to be able to comprehend why I was there because the profanol they used to induce a coma made understanding difficult until it was mostly cleared from my system. I never want to go through that again. Also I forgot to mention with I was in an induced coma I was also receiving 15mgs Hydromorphone HP every 2 hours to keep my pain under control. I was told without and even under an induce come my pain still existed and was preventing me from being able to rest based on how high my Heart Rate started rising.

I really hate taking medication but if I want to feed my family, keep a roof over their heads, clothes on their back and shoes on their feet it a sacrifice I must make or give up all hope. Have a Blessed day!!

Time to take my Methadone, Oxycodone and Xanax so I can get some rest after have to work so later or us it so early.

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I have been taking methadone for 10 years for chronic pain and my dr put me down to 15 mg a day I was on 90 he refuses to increase it at all and doesnt understand I cant sleep and after work i am in so much pain I cant do anything is there any Dr in louisiana that will prescribe more methadone then 15 i have all the mri and paperwork showing why my pain is so bad please help.

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I am a 120 mg methadone clinic druggie and have been handed a bunch of addies. I only enjoyed the adderall for 1 day, then bounced off walls every time I took it thereafter. It has been day six now since the day I took the adderall, and I am just now coming to normal, if 120 mg methadone is normal.
Methadone was a huge mistake on my part. I was utterly addicted to oxy when you could get all you wanted off of the web. Of course, I missed the danger of not seeing the govner taking my candy from me, and went into withdrawals that destroyed everything around me, work, home, you know....
Today, I am fighting the agency er clinic for my methadone. Now on year four and a day, I am trying to convince them I would rather just pay than be forced off.

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To anyone reading this, I just want to point out that Methadone and benzodiazapines (like Xanax) taken together CAN be dangerous. I take them together but only small amounts of benzo. I take Klonopin, .5 mgs twice a day as well as 130mgs of Methadone. I have taken as much as 2 mgs of Klonopin and been fine. BUT! I have been taking these together for a LONGTIME. So I have developed a tolerance. My first cousin died on this very same combination. Though I don't know exactly how much. So start small and go up gradually go up. The combination can seriously depress breathing.

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this was posted almost a year ago but thank you...just, thank you, so much!

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That has been proved false by doctors. It's the individuality that makes it dangerous. Just because one person does well doesn't mean the other will.

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Instead of dosing yourself too much with the adderall, along with the methadone, try lowering your adderall intake when you take it with the methadone.... It will help, and you will feel relief all day, and you will be able to rest

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showers or baths unfortunately there's not much

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That's exactly what I think I have goin on. They're bound to be using the same receptors/neurotransmitters(whatever they're called, lol), because when I start to crash and I try to keep taking the adderall but haven't dosed yet, I feel like death eatin crackers. Thanks for the post and thank you for the response. It absolutely has eased my mind.

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You use to be Unsocialized too? How do I snap out of it? And will adderall really help this case bc I get nervous and sweaty being around other people that I'm not comfortable being around with. Why is that though? I use to not be like this until here recently about two years ago. I lost self confidence and I don't know what caused it so I'm trying to compare my situation to yours. Please tell me..

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Everyone is Different when it comes to any and all drugs. one person may just need willpower, and another could take that advice and believe it to be the case for all, And it could be too much on their Body or their Heart and that person could die, People, when reading things like this please take into account that everyone has their own opinion and their own reaction to any and everything we take into ourselves.

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Ummm quit taking the adderall or lower your dose dramatically. Methadone is a downer, adderall being an upper, the 2 together... you get exactly what your experiecing. It's one or the other ... or take a low dose of Addy when your tired one day. Quit going over board. I'm on 100mg of methadone and I am fine besides sleepy which is a side effect of any type opiate.

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I had, without a choice tapered from oxy 30mgs 10 a day down too zero. That was the hardest. Then 80mgs methadone. That was long. I had to do it really slow. All 4 year after major surgeries. The one thing that really helped was having someone around that cared for me. Getting sleep was the hardest part. With you having a family kids etc.. It should help you through, if your still in that position. Its also very helpful to have a g.p. give you medicine to help you relax and keep you from flying off the handle.

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Omg. I take 60 mg of methadone. Didnt take it yesterday because I thought id be fine because usually am without it for up to two days then start withdrawing. Well lastnight I start.getting aching kneez and could not sleep, took my methadone and ibuprofen at 5am and around 6 I was finally able to get comfortable. I thought the adderal would help because ive heard.ppl say they took it and didnt withdraw from.methadone but im pretty sure thats why my knees were aching and I usually withdrawl symptoms at all the first day without it.

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I on the other hand am on 140mg of methadone and when I went back on adderall I had the worst interaction. I was on adderall for yrs and never had a problem until the methadone. Everyone is different. Be careful

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What happens when a person takes methadone Adderall exiting and Redbull a lot

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You may be right. In on 85mg of methadone, I've been voluntary detoxing from 100mg becuz wen im not working, I start nodding out. Not a gud thing to do! But I had never took Adderall, but I'd heard of it. My friend is like, "man, once you take it, yull be asking yourself "where has this been my whole life!"! So being an addict, I was more than ready to try it. But I didn't really feel much. I took a 20mg capsule, and I got a lil rush at first, but it was short. Methadone makes your brain flood with dopamine and endorphins... U know, the feel good chemicals. But Adderall does the same thing. Your brain can only handle so much at one time. So u may be on to something. Phyzer needs to get on the research!

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