Can I Take Methadone With Adderall? (Page 3)
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Can you take Methadone while being prescribed Adderall?

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That's exactly what I think I have goin on. They're bound to be using the same receptors/neurotransmitters(whatever they're called, lol), because when I start to crash and I try to keep taking the adderall but haven't dosed yet, I feel like death eatin crackers. Thanks for the post and thank you for the response. It absolutely has eased my mind.

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showers or baths unfortunately there's not much

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Instead of dosing yourself too much with the adderall, along with the methadone, try lowering your adderall intake when you take it with the methadone.... It will help, and you will feel relief all day, and you will be able to rest

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That has been proved false by doctors. It's the individuality that makes it dangerous. Just because one person does well doesn't mean the other will.

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this was posted almost a year ago but thank you...just, thank you, so much!

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To anyone reading this, I just want to point out that Methadone and benzodiazapines (like Xanax) taken together CAN be dangerous. I take them together but only small amounts of benzo. I take Klonopin, .5 mgs twice a day as well as 130mgs of Methadone. I have taken as much as 2 mgs of Klonopin and been fine. BUT! I have been taking these together for a LONGTIME. So I have developed a tolerance. My first cousin died on this very same combination. Though I don't know exactly how much. So start small and go up gradually go up. The combination can seriously depress breathing.

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I am a 120 mg methadone clinic druggie and have been handed a bunch of addies. I only enjoyed the adderall for 1 day, then bounced off walls every time I took it thereafter. It has been day six now since the day I took the adderall, and I am just now coming to normal, if 120 mg methadone is normal.
Methadone was a huge mistake on my part. I was utterly addicted to oxy when you could get all you wanted off of the web. Of course, I missed the danger of not seeing the govner taking my candy from me, and went into withdrawals that destroyed everything around me, work, home, you know....
Today, I am fighting the agency er clinic for my methadone. Now on year four and a day, I am trying to convince them I would rather just pay than be forced off.

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I have been taking methadone for 10 years for chronic pain and my dr put me down to 15 mg a day I was on 90 he refuses to increase it at all and doesnt understand I cant sleep and after work i am in so much pain I cant do anything is there any Dr in louisiana that will prescribe more methadone then 15 i have all the mri and paperwork showing why my pain is so bad please help.

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Clonadine patches will help with ur hot flashes..

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To be accurate, Adderall is classified as a sympathomimetic amine and is a mixture of four forms. Adderall contains two amphetamine compounds and two dextroamphetamine compounds. Amphetamine is not as strong as dextroamphetamine which is approximately five times more potent. The strongest amphetamine is methamphetamine which is seldom used and only for unresponsive severe obesity and severe narcolepsy when all other medication have failed to control a specific condition.

Once more you can take Methadone and Adderall together if it is prescribed to be part of your treatment plan. Physicians and pharmacists know how to prescribe and dispense these medications and are the professionals you should go to for advice. I have personally taken Methadone 80mgs and Adderall 30mgs twice a day for nearly ever day as prescribed by my CPP for the past 7 years without a single severe side affect. The only problem I have is an occasional dry mouth.

I can tell what happens when I do not take this medication. My pain starts to increase to were I am unable to get out of bed and unable to walk because of the severity of pain. Also, fatigue sets in and the metal fog starts developing. I may sleep for several hours but the pain then keeps me from resting. After a couple days I am so fatigue the I cannot focus an often drift of for only minutes until my pain overrides the fatigue. I have often wondered what would happen if I had to continue without restful sleep and in severe pain. Could I possibly experience a mental break? Without my medication I do not go into withdrawal as most do because my health problems are much greater than the discomfort of withdrawal.

A little side note how I did almost die from septic shock. I have so much pain that when I developed pylonephritis I did not know and I developed sepsis and start to have multiple organ failure. All I remember is gong to bed and then waking up four days later in CICU being take of mechanical ventilation and not know what had happened. That is the most scared I have even been because I did not know why I was there, was my family ok, was I in an accident and only I survive? It took a while to be able to comprehend why I was there because the profanol they used to induce a coma made understanding difficult until it was mostly cleared from my system. I never want to go through that again. Also I forgot to mention with I was in an induced coma I was also receiving 15mgs Hydromorphone HP every 2 hours to keep my pain under control. I was told without and even under an induce come my pain still existed and was preventing me from being able to rest based on how high my Heart Rate started rising.

I really hate taking medication but if I want to feed my family, keep a roof over their heads, clothes on their back and shoes on their feet it a sacrifice I must make or give up all hope. Have a Blessed day!!

Time to take my Methadone, Oxycodone and Xanax so I can get some rest after have to work so later or us it so early.

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Taking any drug from two different classes can cause unwanted side effects. Take this from an experienced psychiatric nurse. The adderall is an amphetamine as the Methadone us an opiat. These two drugs can cause in rare cases, Serotonin Syndrome. You may experience uncontrollable sweating, severe depression, Agitation, and drowsiness. DO NOT take these two drugs together, don't believe me, ask a doctor or mental health professional. Have a good day, namaste.

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You are probably experiencing the depressive effects from the Adderall because it affect the release and uptake of two major chemical in your brain, norepinephrine and dopamine. I personally believe that if you start experiencing the depression, agitation, etc. it is because you have depleted the stores of each and your body has not been able to recover between doses. These effects seem to be more prominent in older individuals, severely stressed individuals, malnourished individuals, etc.. Basically, individuals who are not healthy and not receiving enough nutrition. Just like any machine that wears out or does not have adequate fuel will not be able to run as it should. Pardon my mechanical parlance. Have a very blessed day.

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Yeah you can I did.. Its sucked bad for two weeks. That's all lies your counsulers tell you because they got lied too.. Its all about money.

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I believe what you experienced was not a result of taking Methadone and Adderall together. What you have explained sounds more like a Type III Anaphylatic reaction to a single medication. These symptoms would have happened without the additional medication. But you are right about not taking Rx medication together that was not prescribed to you for a particular condition or disease. Individuals who tempt fate by doing this often end up 6 feet under or suffering severe cognitive impairment permanently.

With that said, I have been taking Methadone, Oxycodone, and Adderall together almost daily for 9 years without any severe side effects. Especially like the ones you experienced.

While it is extremely difficult to diagnosis over social media, I would hope you see that it was not the mixing of medications but a single medication. This means if you take a single dose of either medication, there is a strong probability and larger possibility that you will suffer another anaphylactic reaction similar to the previous reaction.

I hope all have a Blessed Day!!

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This is mainly a post to anyone who finds any useful information within it. I have posted previously as I am healthcare physician. Also, I will probably ramble a bit getting things of my chest, so to speak. For this, please accept my apology in advance for all the venting.

What I want to say is I really hate the medicine I must take to get out of bed and work. After I took my morning dose of Methadone 80mgs, Oxycodone IR 30mgs, Adderall 30mgs, Norflex ER 100 mgs, Caffeine 200mg, Tylenol 1000mgs, and Prilosec 20mgs I waited for the effects of the medications to start working so I could start my day. It was then the thought that I have to take all this medication so I can feel close to how I use to before all the health problems really hit me hard. while I realized this many times previously, it just seems to really hit home today. Maybe because I worked very hard for almost 15 years working out with weights, studying martial arts (1st degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do, Hapkido and Judo), mountain climbing, extreme aerobic conditioning. I was 5' 9" tall with less than 9% body fat and weighed 148lbs and my resting pulse was 36bpm. I was also bench pressing 265lbs when I fell. All that hard work to get in shape to live a long and healthy life has become lost because of a fall and associated diseases. I have become so chronically depressed it is not funny. My faith as an Orthodox Christian and my personal relationship with the Lord is the only thing that has kept me going and looking toward the future.

I have been on Opioid pain relievers since falling in 10/1993. I started the Methadone 30mgs per day, Percocet every 4 hours for breakthrough pain and Skelaxin 200mgs. I have rotated opioid medications to try to slow the tolerance that will develop when taking narcotics over the years. I am EXTREMELY fortunate because even though I am required by law to see a CPP every 12 weeks, I usually am asked by the treating physician what I want for pain, etc.. Of course that means I can obtain any medications needed for pain, within reason of course. The main limiting factor is money since I have no insurance and must pay cash for all my healthcare and my wife's healthcare until she started on disability in 2010. So I chose the cheapest opioid pain medication, Methadone 10mgs, that works. That also includes Oxycodone IR 30mgs for breakthrough pain. Together I pay $107.85 for #480 Methadone and #120 Oxycodone. I believe the only change I would make to my current medication regime if money was not a factor is changing the Methadone to Duragesic Patches 150-200mcs/hr. Otherwise I would keep everything the same as previously. The reason to change the Methadone is because of its complicated Half-Life and the respiratory depression that continues after the pain relieving effect has stopped. Half-Life of Methadone has been shown to be between 6 hours to 132 hours depending on the patient. Another problem with Methadone is that it is stored almost everywhere in the body especially in fat cells with the highest concentration in a male's semen. (I actually heard a women failing a drug panel because her partner was on MMT. Even though she explained where the Methadone they found in her urine came from, she was still fired. That was the last I heard so I do not know her final outcome). So the danger comes from having these stores empty into your circulatory system. Taking a single extra Methadone could cause severe respiratory depression and death. This is regardless of how long you have taken Methadone or how much Methadone you have taken over time. This is one reason I have not upped my Methadone dose in the last 7 years even though I have built up quite a tolerance.

So what does all this equate to and what does it mean? Maybe nothing outside of my venting, and if no one finds useful information in this post, my last point is you should never take prescription medications not prescribed to you and always disclose to your treating physician all medications, OTC and Rx, you are currently using. Plus all medications are dangerous and a risk every time you dose. There is a plethora of cases of individuals who have died from taking a single antibiotic pill they have used for years because they developed a sensitivity. This can happen with any medication. Also, you should be aware that most opioids & narcotic medication can affect QRS Complex of the heart by prolonging the QT interval. This will cause you to suffer Sudden Cardiac Death which most do not survive.

Thanks for listening to my venting and I pray each has a very blessed day.

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I take 70 mg of done everyday except for Sundays and today I took an adderall 30 mg to take the edge off of not having it. I'm doing just fine. Of course always be careful mixing drugs bcuz it depends on the person and their medical problems and history. Bit for me it gave me back my energy and the pain went away. The sweating didn't stop and i don't always crave something sweet which is a side effect of methadone but you can take a vitamin called vitadone to have the side effects subside.

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Well, I'm going to be square with y'all whis curious. Methadone pills and any stimulant mixed together will cause a horrible interaction. Personally, I've done, which was stupid. But I felt dizzy, I had some hallucinogenic effects, sleepyness, and aggravation. Afterwards, I had a convulsion that almost ended my life. From my own experiences, please don't try this. And it may also make you sick after a while, for me, I had projectile vomiting, low grade fever, diarrhea, and extreme hunger and dehydration. It has also been linked to Serotonin Syndrome which can render you comatose indefinitely. I pray to god everyday for helping me stop and now I believe its my duty to pass on my inspiration and lessons I've learned.

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Ask your doctor about Clonidine, a blood pressure med. I heard it works good for hot flashes and sweats. Good Luck!

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That is an incorrect statement as the medications major effects are on different receptors. The Adderall would have to displace the methadone from its receptor to cause a "withdrawal" effect.

Narcan works so well because in an overdose situation the Narcan "knocks" all the opiates off their respective receptors. Narcan and similar medications will actually cause an individual to have physical withdrawal for as long as the Narcan is supplied. That is why physicians must give Narcan in IV solutions over time because it has a very short half-life of approximately 15 minutes. If an individual was in overdose and given a single inj. of Narcan, they would be "safe" for only about 15 minutes. As soon as the Narcan was degraded the opiates would effect their receptors again causing the overdose to begin again. This is because most opiates have longer half-lives on the factor of hours and not minutes.

As for taking Adderall with Methadone, I am sure your physician carefully considered all your medications before prescribing the Adderall. The simple truth is Adderall, being a stimulant, increases your rate of respiration therefore "counteracting" the respiratory depression effect of the methadone. Which, of course, is the major problem with most narcotics. These medications suppress your rate of respiration to a point where the amount of air inhaled and exhaled is insufficient to maintain life and you DIE!!

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I beleive that since adderall is an amphetamine it "eats up your methadone" and makes you feel like you are withdrawing.

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