Can I Take M2 Tone And Folic Acid Together? (Top voted first)


I have been trying to conceive and recently started taking M2 Tone with Folic Acid. Is it ok to continue taking these two medications together? If so, I would like to find out how long it will take me to conceive as a result of taking these medications? Thank you.

22 Replies (2 Pages)

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Can I take clomid, vitamin E, m2 tone and folic acid along with pregnacare all together?

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My wife and I have been trying to conceive a child. Please let me know if my wife can safely combine m2-tone with pregnatcare to help with conception?

Was this helpful? 122

I want to conceive and my doctor advised me to take folic acid and m2-tone. I just want to know if this can help me get pregnant?

Was this helpful? 103

Can I get pregnant when I take m2tone? Also, can I take m2tone with folic acid?

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Can I get pregnant if I am taking M2 tone and folic acid together?

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Can i use M2 tone and folic acid and pregcare conception pills?

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Can i take Clomid,Folic acid, vitamin e and m2tone together

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Top Answer
According to the Charak manufacturer's website, M2 tone syrup is used to treat scanty menstrual flow, heavy menstrual flow, irregular menstrual flow, and unexplained female infertility. The Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research also published a study to determine the effectiveness of M2-Tone tablets in comparison with a standard conventional treatment on endometrial lining and pregnancy rate in infertile women, which you can view here. The study concluded that M2-Tone tablets showed significant improvement in pregnancy rate.

Can I take M2 Tone and Folic Acid together?

When it comes to combining M2 tone with Folic Acid, I was not able to find any clinical studies that support or deny their combined efficacy in helping with conception; nor did I locate any information detailing specific drug or supplement interactions. However, individually, it should be noted that there are indications of M2 Tone and Folic Acid being supportive of a healthy pregnancy and therefore it only seems logical in my opinion that taking the two together may be complementary in this regard.

Why is Folic Acid important for a healthy pregnancy?

The Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion states the following:
  • “It's important for everyone who can get pregnant or is planning to get pregnant to take a daily supplement with 400 to 800 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid. Taking a folic acid supplement in addition to following a healthy eating routine can help prevent serious health problems for babies.”
  • They also go on to suggest that it’s most important to take folic acid at least 1 month before you get pregnant and through the first 3 months of pregnancy.

How long it will take me to conceive as a result of taking these medications?

Given the details laid out above, it's important to note that M2 tone and Folic Acid are only touted to assist/support one's efforts in getting pregnant and is not a "for sure" thing. It could be any number days, weeks, months or years from now. There are also a myriad of other underlying factors that may be playing a role in the matter, such as one's diet or other health concerns. With all of this in mind, unfortunately there is really no way of being certain which exact timeline your body will follow when it comes to getting pregnant.
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Am trying to get pregnant
Can I take folic acid, vitamin e and M2 tone together?

Was this helpful? 11

Re: Kaakyire (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Can I get pregnant when I take m2 tone and folic acid

Was this helpful? 7

Can I take m2 tone with folic acid?

Was this helpful? 7

I have been taking m2-tone, folic acid, vitamin e, ovacare for how long can I take it to conceive because I want to have my own baby

Was this helpful? 5

Re: GIFT (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

I want to get pregnant. I just had miscarriage and I was given m2 tone. Can i take it with folic acid?

Was this helpful? 5

Please can I take Clomid, M2 tone and folic acid together to conceive?

Was this helpful? 4

Re: Irene (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Is it safe to use folic acid together with m2 tone?

Was this helpful? 5

Instead of menstrual blood I see brownish fluid can it be menstrual blood

Was this helpful? 1

Re: Dee (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

Old can I take folic acid, vitamin e and m2tone together?

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Re: Dee (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

Am trying to conceive can I take m2 tone, provara and vitamin E together

Was this helpful? 0

Can I take m2-tone with folic acid?

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Re: daniel (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Please haebeen trying for a baby can I take m2tone tablet combined with pregnantcare conception ?

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