Can I Add Methadone To Clean Urine And Pass A Drug Test That Needs To Be Positive For Methadone And Nothing Else? (Page 3) (Top voted first)


i am on 76mls of methadone have been clean from heroin addiction for 8 months. things were great, me and my partner of 12 years were on a high because we were clean but for the past few weeks iv became majorly depressed and he my partner started getting 'itchy' he came home yesterday with heroin ....major regrets and i now feel so low and disgusted with us both its even worse because we are at the drug screening clinic today!! why i wasnt strong enough yesterday to say no is beyond me uuugh anyway my question is this if i got someone who is completely drug free to give me a urine sample and added a tiny droplet of methadone to it would i pass a drug screening test? i want to come clean we have been addicts for 10 years we have finally a brilliant drug worker who has helped us ALOT and put her neck on the line for us as well, the staff really liked us, they sent my partner away to detox 7 months ago and it cost them £3000 he was extremely lucky as that is hardly ever done in the town we live in and from the facility we are at i dnt even want to look them in the eyes. we feel so bad and dnt want to let anyone down. someone told us they have been putting methadone in clean urine for 2 yrs and getting away with it im not so sure about this? and am very anxious. my partner has more to lose he has manic depression and is on vallium we have been given weekly pick up in full for our methadone and he gets his vallium monthly hes worried theyl take our privaliges away frm us so has asked me to do it just this once and he will never put me in the position again. if this isnt going to work i dnt even want to try it id rather just come clean and be honest and get the help we need but im not getting through to him and i dnt wnat to make him look bad if he lies and i tell the truth. thanks.

292 Replies (15 Pages)

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You are quite correct, they test for a metabolite in methadone.. in my experience, staff in UK are far more sympathetic if you are honest with them.. many of us have tried to buck the system, but they are not stupid, many were addicts themselves. It is horrible, absolutely, to have to do ''supervised consumption'' as many have to do if they slip up..but weekly pickup can be earned back. No need to ever apologise for ''bad spelling''..your information was quite correct.

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common people! the test pick up what ur body is metabolising with enzymes in your liver.

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I have been sitting here reading all of these comments, and I totally agree with you!!! For people like myself who are struggling, and working really hard to stay clean I hate to read all of these crooked ways to cheat the program. Do you know how many addicts out there that would love to get help, and get into a program??? I go to the drugstore once per week, and carry home 6 doses, and I only have to go to the doctor every six weeks. It's been a long road, but I didn't get there by cheating the system either. My advice is to commit to sobriety, or move on and let someone else use your spot.

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OK so here's the actual truth. Most of you that said u do it all the time and it totally works well all I have to say to that it's a b*******. I have been on the program and 470 years been struggling with my addictions I listened to these comments and tried the urine within methadone added in it just to drop and it worked the first time and then the second time I tried it I didn't realize at the time but the nurses there were already a bit concerned with my urine sample because there is no eddp in my sample. then the next time I went to the clinic and left a urine sample I had we sat in the clinic 4-5 hours because they said they had been watching my samples and there was the metabolites missing from my sample which then they decided that I wasn't taking my methadone and had to try to start me all over again. they had to call my doctor to verify that I was even allowed to take my methadone anymore. this sucked. I read all of you and your silly comments and let me just say guys it doesn't work. it'll work one time don't do it again. if you're lucky enough to get away with it the first time good luck. but don't do it again, trust me guys. I'm not trying to just tell you a big story here in this is how it goes and no there. they do test you for the metabolite like on the bottles, it's called EDDP and that is the metabolites. if its absent your going to get red flagged. If going to attempt to do this then stay clean for maybe four days and keep drinking your methadone and keep all the urine frozen from then on. I am an addict and I thought staying clean was impossible. I've been off opiates for seven years but I take other drugs and that screwed my carries so I drove an hour there and an hour back just to pick up my drink. it sucks, so when the only drugs around were crap I stopped taking them for four days and just froze all the urine I could. It took me two years to stay clean for four whole days. trust me I've tried it all but using detox drinks won't work. it flushes the methadone out of your system. I tried putting a drop of urine in and that screwed me, so if u can't stay clean or get someone that is and is on methadone to give u samples well then your Sol, sorry.

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I agree totally with being honest.
I used to think I was a right smart@rse when trying to fool the system [UK] in the past, by using trickery ..buuuut, the only person you are fooling is yourself.
Weekly pickup is a godsend.
One only keeps that by being honest..that is the long and the short of it.
Being older and wiser, [have had a script for 30 plus years now] it pays to be truthful..
Methadone tests look for the metabolites.. not raw methadone. any heroin in there will show up as morphine.

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Freeze your has to have metabolite in it...I freeze pee in 30 ml bottles...on dailies I would thaw the same one out in hot water ( microwave messes w the creatine level it has to be above 20 or its dirty)every day refreezing it if I didn't use it....I left one in my car in the summer all day and refroze it after work still passed...I've been doing that for 20 yrs ..I've been transferred or asked to leave because I would always flunk my two random orals ...this clinic does observed UA's ...I used to pass my parole officer the same way...if your female you can do that ..and if you put the bottle in a condom the pee won't touch you ...tinfoil the top w a rubber band and tape ....push the foil w your pinky as you hold the cup under you to catch the pee..

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If ur clinic f***s you over and punishes u like that u need a new clinic. F*** letting them down...They know who u are...Its all part of getting clean. U are worried about letting down the wrong people. I say find clean methadone pee and next time remember how sorry and whiny you were after feeling high and don't do it. My clinic gives u a second chance and then only take one step away. Once u give them two consecutive clean u/a's u get ur s*** back.

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It worked for me, but only for the test they do in the office. Not if they send it off. I'm sorry I didn't see this when you posted. I hope everything turned out ok!!

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I'm sry to say that I don't know how your clinic tests, but I know 100% that out of the 6 clinics I've been to, they're testing for methadone that went through your body. This way they know your not selling most of ur bottles and so u can't just get clean urine and put a couple drops in. Please don't try doing what people think they know and just find other urine or I don't know what to say because they don't test for methadone alone.

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I am on Methadone tablets. Can these be added to clean urine to pass a dip test for methadone only?

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Hey man, I'm sorry to say this so bluntly but you really need to calm down because it's not that serious. I go to a clinic too and far as im concerned the drug tests are a bulls*** thing to make us take. Your making it sound like its over and its not. If you got clean you did it for you not them. So what if you only dosed once. It's over now, move on. Nothing changed, you just had a moment of weakness. If you turn it into a huge thing it will become a big deal. You have no control over the past. You only have control of asking someone there for urine. DO NOT TELL ON YOURSELF - THAT CAN ONLY HURT YOU AT THE CLINIC. I heard it works but i wouldn't risk it unless you know. Good luck.

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Re: Kev (# 237) Expand Referenced Message

Instant tests will work. Lab tests will not. I'm my experience.

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Re: Erica (# 223) Expand Referenced Message

dosent work don't put methadone in your urine anymore you WILL come on top

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No it won't, just get some detox kit and continue taking your dose. Just make sure to dose after cleansing and then it is in your system.

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hi Josephine, i am also wondering if you can put a drop of methadone in clean urine and pass at a methadone clinic, i would think it would work, the clinic doesnt do any kind of super crazy test, they just test for it, so it did work for your husband? yea thats whats s***ty about these clinics, you get rewarded and get phases but you have one mistake and they take it all away from you, i know cause they did it to me i was clean years and had 1 issue and its been a year and they wont even give me the chance to earn the phases, they have so much control of your life and can just take it all away from you...anyway so it did work?

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Just a reply to Mary..I had to do this also I am on liquid methadone. IT ABSOLUTELY WORKS! 100% It was the beginning of the program for me (I now have over 3 yrs clean but still on methadone) I borrowed a (pregnant) friends urine, Then I spit a lil bit of the methadone in with the urine. I think they did the "dip" test not sending it away, It came up CLEAN, no other illicit drugs It was fine.. but they had done a random preg test? or maybe they always did? Then i had to lie say i thought i had a miscarriage etc lol Meanwhile I hadnt even HAD a period for months! And my hubby was in prison.. My how things have changed. Josephine. I feel for you sooo much! I was where u are, VERY similar, controlling partner, a (10 yr old at the time) son, A great family.. I loved the drugs & my partner Although he introduced me to them. Now my life is soo much different But I am still on the methadone program.. But Im a great mom NOW and have a good job. I would love to talk to you more..

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Sorry for the horrid type-s in my previous post! non-metabolized instead on-metalozed, from instead of form, etc... I spell well and have decent grammar but my typing skills are pathetic. I hope you all were able to catch the gist of my post... I guess I should use spell-check once in awhile:)

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It's worked for me 4 times out of 5... until my most recent test. The only REAL solution is to find someone CLEAN who is willing to take a small dosage of methadone and pee for you. For someone not on the clinic, 5mg will be plenty.. and if they;ve never taken ANY opiods/opitaes Ild go even lower to be safe. Their bodies don;t have our tolerance, so they won't need as much to have the metabolites show up. Do NOT give some non-user a whole dose or even 10-20mgs. I've seen someone go out (almost OD) on 15mg of methadone... he had never used it before.

Another "maybe" solution is to get one of those "test clean kits" that guarantee testing clean for 6 hours. Take the test, wait the amount of time required THEN take your dose... wait one hour drink a NORMAL amount of water, pee and then do a home test to see if it comes up with the methadone and not the other drugs you're trying to hide.

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Well, it's worked for a friend of mine for 16 years. But the drug tests are getting more advanced and some clinics have more advanced tests than others. Obviously, not every clinic tests for metabolites. If they do, it's time to get clean, find someone on the program willing to pee for you or find a more creative solution (like the post I just submitted 2 min. ago).

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Hi Josephine I am also a recovering addict on the Methadone Maintenance program and I've been clean for about 6 years (on Methadone) and I wanted to share with you that relapse is a part of recovery so please don't beat yourself up too much. I have had a couple of relapses in these past 6yrs but the difference is is that like you I didn't go looking for it, it was in your face and that is hard to deny right?

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