Can I Get Neuroaid On Percription
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i want to try neuroaid on my husband post stroke 3/1/2 years.can i get are gp to perscribe it we do not have much money and it is exspensive.

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i am taking the 3 month nueroaid my second week early to tell if its says by month or 6 weeks should see improvment..yes it is expensive.but if it works its worth it.i have spent ffectedthousands already.had stroke in jult 2011.left side affected

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I want to know if Neuroaid really works! It's for my father post stroke 4 months ago. Thank you!

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I don't think one can use a prescription to get these, as they are supposed to be an all natural product, and do not originate in the United States.

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Neuroaid is a natural herbal product that is claimed to help with stroke recover, however, as such it is not tested like prescription medications are and it is doubtful that any prescription drug coverage will pay for it, even if your doctor would write a prescription.


Where are you located? Have you discussed the best treatment options, with your doctor?

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I checked their website even if your stroke has been long time it still can be used. my aunt also had stroke so im also thinking about this

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