Can I Add Xanax, Oxycodone, And Methadone To My Clean Urine? (Page 5) (Top voted first)


Can I Add Xanax, Oxycode, and Methadone to My Clean Urine? I have been in pain management for 7 years now and all of a sudden thc is NOT allowed. I have been self medicating with thc for years now I wanted to see if anyone knows if i will pass using clean pee with the meds i am perscribed in it? I was going to use a very small amount of each and dilute it before adding it and then getting hand warmers to keep the temp good .... SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME IF THIS WILL WORK!! by the way its just a 5 strip panel test i believe thx

126 Replies (7 Pages)

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You did not answer the question about adding to the urine sample

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I've recently ran into the same problem, I'd like to talk with you and swap ideas if that's okay? Get back to me when you can, thanks!

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Have a random drug test and I don't have the pain meds I should in my system currently because I ran out early and I took suboxne to avoid being sick. I went to pick up my script from the office and they are making new contracts and doing urine tests.
My question is if I use my boyfriend's urine will they know? He takes the same meds. Thank you!

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Can you crush one two of your meds Marco tens to clean ruin and pass at pain clinic which they also send out to the lab

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How much of the pill do you put in the urine.

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Hello if I add a half oxycodone and a half a methafone will it pass a nedativr / posative test

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This person is taking the meds...did you read the post??? It says that the pain clinic is NOW also testing for thc..marijuana...and if positive, the person could lose pain meds. it

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Amen, I Totally Agree. No Matter What My Kids Won't Do Without. As long as I can help it.

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I have been going to a methadone clinic 1time a month since 2004 till 2010. I always used clean piss and added just a small amount of my med, which they always send off to lab and I was never called back. So either they didn't care or it was always in the urine and I used hand warmers always. Plus a digital thermometer, but now im baffled, I used my wife's urine. I'm prescribed oxycodone instant release and xanax. I've done what I usually do, small amount of dust from both. Xanax was all that showed up. No oxy, so she gives me 2 weeks worth and sends it to the lab. My wife takes nothing. She called me back today and said she found 2 other drugs in the urine. My wife doesn't even take birth control, nothing other than aspirin... Does anyone know what in the heck I should do? I'll know monday, after just got an MRI on Friday.. I'm lost and I have this feeling she doesn't won't to c me again. Any advice would b great.

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That is the dumbest answer I have ever heard of. The doctors are testing for the meds in the system, not looking for clean urine. Read the post carefully before answering.

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Go buy a test at a store. Chances are you would pass.

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I'm wondering the same thing if I add Xanax to clean urine will it show up positive.. plz some one yell me I can.

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The difference between clean male and female urine is not checked. I was a nurse for 15 yrs. and have had pain mgmt. and probation for the last five.

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Every pain clinic doesn't use the same kind of testing. Most not only look for the drug but also the metabolite that the drug leaves I your body, so they can make sure you are taking your meds. So no, it does not always work. And I think your Dr knows what you're doin, they just like you and or realize that you do need your meds.

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Does this still really work in 2016?

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Is this true you really do it? My husband smokes a little and he has a pill count tomorrow.

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How bout adding suboxin? I need to have it in my urine test.

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How much of the pill do u put in the pee? It'd b roxy morphine and valuim that someone I know needs to put this in their pee

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I am in the same boat, got clean piss, now need suboxone and zanax to be present. I know suboxone will dissolve, I did that once and it worked, but zanax is not water soluble, still investigating

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I have a question. I don't smoke marijuana at all but there was marijuana in a bag (which wasn't mine) but I got the empty bag after the marijuana was out of it and put my norco in the empty bag which now my norco meds smell like marijuana. If I take a urine test will marijuana show up in my system even though I didn't smoke any? Just worried because my meds smell like marijuana even if I wipe them off. Can someone please answer asap. Thank u.

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