Can I Add Methadone To Quick Fix Plus Synthetic Urine (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I Have my Dr's appointment today and I smoked marijuana for the last 2 weeks. Can I use quick fix plus synthetic urine and just add methadone to it? Would that work? I know he makes me pay $42 for a drug test without insurance and that the plastic cup doesn't have a temp gauge on it and I see other people's cups of pee sitting in his office so I'm guessing he doesn't send to a lab. Please any input wud be greatly appreciated. My appointment is in a few hours.

32 Replies (2 Pages)

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I noticed someone here asked about drinking a flush and how to get methadone to show up in the test? I am facing the same issue. I need to test clean for everything but methadone so I went out and got one of those flush kit drinks for the day of the test. BUT, I neglected to think about the lack of methadone this will cause in the test at the clinic.... I read on another forum someone did their flush, peed the required 2x before the test, then drank a dose of methadone and apparently it showed in their screening. Anyone else have experience in this? the only other thing I can think of is to drink the flush as directed to remove thc etc. then add a few drops of methadone into the sample....? HELP!

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Re: Jewel 143 (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Ur good as long as it has metabolites it has to come back from lab with metabolites in ur urine that means methadone was diagested

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The methadone needs to travel through your body to metabolize therefore showing that you are in fact taking the drug. I believe at the testing lab this will be verified to conclude that liquid methadone was not just physically added to synthetic urine to show that everything looks kosher, when in fact it throws up a red flag.Now I've heard of people outing small amounts of Roxy s in a urine sample and getting away with it but for methadone it's a must that you in jest it through your system.

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I have a Quik Fix urine kit and need to pass a regular at-home test. Can I just pour liquid methadone into the Quik Fix?

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The test show if u use synthetic urine, the only thing u can is ask someone ur close to use there urine and warm it up a little in microvave for 20 seconds. I do it every month

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You can't add methadone straight to urine of any kind as it needs to break down a specific way in your body. i don't know the correct definition of how this works and is named but I saw the same Q&A yesterday and am sure you could find it if you did a search.

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you have to pee clean for about a month to be clean everything accept Methadone in your pee and then you can freeze your own methadone urine pee it will last two to three years in the freezer I know this by experience I've been on methadone since 1990freeze in condoms wrap with foil put in The Jug and wrap with foil again in the freezertake one condom out let it defrost in the refrigerator for a day or two for your test then put it in the warm spot male or female it might even last longer than 2 years I've done it up to two years or longerthe trick to this is you have to be clean for one month except for Methadone in your pee then you're good to go I've been doing this since 1990 and it worked every time for me

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Regretting it,

I can't tell you what to do. As a recovering addict that works at a clinic all I can tell you is there is NO SAFE WAY TO ALTER A UA. Despite what other posters on here "claim" we know who's fronting and who is serious about there recovery.Synthetic urine is easy to distinguish.Adding other adulterants is even easier to detect. I messed up more then a few times early in my recovery but learned that MOST understand addiction is a disease and are willing to forgive us EVEN WHEN WE CANT FORGIVE OURSELVES. Wishing you all the best.

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i have a dr apt wed I need to have oxycodone in system I have clean frozen pee how do I add oxycodone to show positive in urine test

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It does not work your bottle will have eddp on the bottle and that's the metabolite that's in it which won't be in a drop of methadonr

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OK..i need help with a correct answer PLEASE Help! I take 0.5 Klonopin about 3 a day and always three 10mgMethadones per day each month for eight years and I have go to the doctor Fri and take a urine test to get my refills but I have marijuana also in my own urine and my doctor is strict I have chronic pain from broken back in eight places and in half in one part of all nine fractures with medal in all nine places,(if it matters or maybe helps to understand my situation) I have clean urine from a friend and is any way I can add a tiny amount of the Klonopin and Methadone to the clean urine I have heat it up and pass the test showing positive for methadone and klonopin for sure..?? I will spit in it put blood on it then dump it in the clean urine if it will work and the urine doesn't have to be body tempteture when I go to the doctor. I'll do anything please help me and I will reply well

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Females please be careful when doing this though. For the fact if you do Cocaine, Crack OR Opiates such as Heroin, the secretions from your vagina could leak into the other persons urine while going into the cup. If you ever do it that way, and you know what I mean. Don't say ewww because when your freedom is on the line, you will do anything. And it could come up dirty. So wipe completely dry so it doesn't happen.

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