Can Ciprofloxacin 500 Mg Be Used To Treat Throat Infections (Top voted first)


if my throat is sore and itchy and coughing up phlem can i use this medication to treat it as a preventive for a full blown chest infecton or strep throat

55 Replies (3 Pages)

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I had bad sore throat 5 days ago, after taking 2 1/2 days medication , 500 mg Ciprofloxacin every 12 hrs as prescribe, it went away. I think I made a mistake not completing the course.. My infection started again last night, now I'm back again on the medication which can last me another couple of days.... Will it help or should i get more from the local pharmacy.?.. Anyone? Thanks...

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will a course of ciprofloxacin 250 irradicate a strep throat?

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I am 60 yrs old, female. Came on board a cruise ship with my family. My son and grandson had coughs, my grandson had a low grade fever. 2 days ago, I caught it from him in spite of precautions. All I have is symptomatic relief medications for my sore throat, cough, low grade fever, sinus pain,chills and body ache. I do have some ciproflaxin and amoxicillin what can I take..

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So can I give my 11 year old son ciprofloxacn 500mg for his throat

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Yes, you can. Ciprofloxacin is used to treat a number of infections including: infections of bones and joints, endocarditis, gastroenteritis, malignant otitis externa, RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTIONS, cellulitis, urinary tract infections, prostatitis, anthrax, chancroid, among others.

For more information about this drug, please refer to the link below...

If you have any more questions or concerns, please post back and I will be happy to help you.

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I took Claritin last few days, because i thought i got allergic. but is not working, I got Ciprocyn 500 mg, how many time the dosage?,my problem now I have a lot of mucus on my throt, it cause me coughing so bad.

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Sore throat,with white spots on back of throat,swollen glands,low grade fever,cough

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I have a swollen tonsils, scratchy painful sore throat mild ear ache. i started with a scratchy throat for 10 days at night time before. should i take antibiotics? is Ciproflaxacin 500 mg twice a day for 7 days is going to help in that case? I have a flight in several days and i am afraid to have ear ache exacerbation on the plane. What would be your recommendation?

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Although not helpful to you anymore BenRS, when you initiate taking antibiotics, it is only effective if you take it as presecribed. E.g. Ciprofloxacin 500mg is usually prescribed BID (Twice Daily) with plenty of water while taking this medication, and to be taken usually for 5-7 days. If you had only taken half of what was recommended, then you may have re-attack of infection. The best course of action would be to consult a physician and get a new prescription of possibly an new medication. And this time use it for the whole time period recommended.

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I have had a cough for a month already and now developed choking in the middle of the night. My doc prescribed me ciproflixacin 500 plus a pill to treat gerd. Will this help? This had been really frightened.

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A body doesn't get immune to antibiotics.....bacteria do.

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No, you can not. Cipro is contraindicated for childred as it can affect growth plates

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my throat is swollen and it hurts to swallow may I take cipro 500 milligrams to treat my sore throat

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Half of it if he is atleast 110 ....IT DNT WORK IF U DNT DRINK ALOT OF WATER. GOOD LUCK SUGA

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I'm allergic to every antibiotic known to man. I've had a bloody mouth from taking ciprofloaxin, and a hole wants to form in the middle of the bone in the middle of my nose. I have found that taking 2 bendryls About 10 minutes ahead of a ciprofloaxin makes it possible to take this medicine without any side effects, just have to take one while still on the medication period. You will notice drowsiness. I,m taking it for strepthroat now have taken it for urinary tract problems in the past!

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No neither azithromicin or ciproflaxin are effective in the iradication for strep throat.

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Don't give this medicine for minor infections as it is known to damage tendons.

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Can ciprofloxacin be used for cough prior to surgery in 5 days

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No, antibiotics that are lying around your house should not be taken for ANY reason and should be thrown out. You don't take antibiotics to 'prevent' anything except, possibly, surgical infections under the guidance of your surgeon. You should NEVER EVER EVER take antibiotics without a confirmed diagnosis of a bacterial infection under the guidance of a doctor.

Never use Cipro as a 'preventative' for anything. I'm not sure why many of you are asking about whether you can use Cipro for certain problems. Unless you have gone to your doctor, had it determined that you ACTUALLY have an active bacterial infection confirmed by culture, and your doctor gave you a prescription, then you should never take an antibiotic at all!

These are not Tylenol, you don't simply take some random antibiotic you have left over in your cabinet because you feel bad. And Cipro is one of the most dangerous. YOu can end up disabled for life because you took this antibiotic when you didnt' have an infection.

Please read some of the horror stories about Cipro all over the internet before you take this drug. EVEN IF your doctor gives you a prescription for this drug, you should ask him if there are ANY alternatives. Not BETTER alternatives, but ANY alternatives at all. These drugs are unsafe and should be used as a last resort for only life threatening infections for which there are no alternatives.

PLease read this site and educate yourself on the horrors that are the Fluoroquinolone antibiotics.


Kerri Knox, RN
San Francisco, CA, United States

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I have suffered chronic sinusitis 2-3 weeks ago and was treated with oral amoxiklav but I still have recurring sore throat and fever. Now my said I'm suffering from tonsilitis, He has prescribed ciprofloxacin and cetrixine for me. Can I please use this? Thank you.

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