Can Celexa Make You Fail A Drug Test (Page 2)
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I am tested every month. Now someone told me my new meds (Celexa) will make me fail the benzo part of the exam. Is this true?

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I know for a fact celexa will cause a false positive for benzo in some people cause it happend to me and i had to take a blood test and it was just celexa and it was confirmed by a doctor that it was the celexa causing the false positive

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I take Citalopram mg that is all I take .. I have been to the hospital twice and both times my drug screen comes up positive for opiates.. could something be wrong with my body.
thank you..

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I take citalopram 10 mg and tested positive in the hospital for methamphetamine when I was getting my appendix removed. The only drugs I've ever done are alcohol and marijuana. And I failed a drug test for a job but they didn't tell me what it was that they found.

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Yes I take it she is lying my uncle is a Dr. It will not mess or come up as anything

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I took celexa 50 MG for the day 100 MG at while I was in a in patient rehab I was proscribed them got drug tested all the time never came up positive for anything.

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I hear u but subbys are the devil in my view I stupidly started using gear in splifs after a while I never knew I was gettin hooked dumb I know but it took me a good year to get hooked then subs for about a year it made me so depressed but when I took b for a week or 2 I was happy my life was like a rolla coster with a stressfull job stressfull baby mom and one day I woke up and thought f*** this my son don't deverve a baghead dad and just stopped it was hell for 3 weeks but it was done still getting mild symptoms but my life is so much better its like my life was on hold for 2 years the first year was f***ing sick but tht don't last trust me I'm on citolapram now but don't wanna go down next bad path on more devil drugs but 4 week in feel so happy now sorry for the life story but it feels good to talk even if nobodys there lol ps I've still kindov got a lilly crack habbit nuttin I can't handle ha ha holla holla

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I am currently on citalipram after kicking the brown stuff I have to go back to work after 6 weeks so I will be swab tested I've heard of people failing for all sorts just need to know so I can stop them before I go back next week but to be honest I think I'll be good peace out holla holla

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Celexa and the generic brand will NOT cause you to test positive for illegal drugs. I am a retired police officer and was on the Celexa when my random number came up for testing and it was fine. I take 40 mg. a day and have for years. Then when I retired they take another one and again, NOTHING. It is performed in an independent lab and they only known my SS number. They could care less. I was taking the rounds to see what worked for me. This was the third SSRI. I've been hired taking it with drug screens for the Federal Government as well as private companies.

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Dont believe she did something wrong i take citolapram and i fail for somas all the time. And i absolutely dont take somas i never have.

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No celexa can not make you positive for heroin. What you probably over heard was that the patient tested positive for heroin and celexa. There is an ask a doctor website they sometimes take a few days to get back to you but I promise celexa and heroin are in completely different drug classes and would not cause a false positive. I hope that this helps.

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As to your first question, no celexa will not show up on a drug test as a benzo even if there the tiniest amount of benzos in celexa drug tests only turn postive if there is a certain amount in your system. Second if there the test was positive for morphine then they most likely took it heroin and opiates are in there own classes on most drug tests. If you think there may have been a relapse think about the suboxone clinic it is a proven fact that suboxone heals receptors so eventually the person can get off with minimal side effects. I hope that this helps.

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NO, Celexa will not cause a positive morphine result. Not even close.

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No, celexa is NOT a benzo

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Can citalopram make you fell a drug test for cocaine

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I know this is an old post, but I just came home from an interview, and I took a mouth swab, and it came back positive for Cocaine, I havent done drugs in 10 years. The only thing in my system was Celexa, so yes, it can give a false positive, or, for the sake of covering all bases, it may have been a defective test.

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can celexa make someone test positive for heroin? a friend of mine was in a bad car wreck and the hospital said something about heroin but then they changed it to celexa and then someone said that it wont do that. please help me figure this out..

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she is a recovering heroin addict so i dont know if i believe her

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my daughter tested positive for morphine but all she gas taken recently is celexa, is she lying to me?

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Celexa contains the active ingredient Citalopram, which is an SSRI antidepressant and no, it hasn't been known to cause false positives for anything on standard drug tests.

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