Camber Pharmaceuticals Generic Percocet (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Just got Camber Pharm generic Percocet at Walgreens instead of the Actavis brand. It's giving me an upset stomach and causing me to feel weird. Has anyone else had a similar reaction?

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I used Walgreens for years all the way up until i had an issue with my prescription for Percocet being filled with Camber pills instead of what i had been getting normally. First, I think the pharmacy should verbally tell you there was a change. I shouldn't get home and go to use my meds for the first time since my refill and have my first reaction be "what the heck are these" then see a green sticker on the side of the bottle stating the size, shape or color may be different but this is the same drug you have been getting. I thought nothing of it at first. But the Camber pills made me ridiculously sick. I took the 5/325 pills and i suffered intense nausea, vomited up a fair few of the pills. By the way, when you start puking smurf blue there's a problem. I had migraines. I called the pharmacy only to be told I accepted the medication. Once it goes over the counter there is nothing they can do. They also informed me that the switch to Camber was permanent. My dr called to see if they would order the Actavis pills since the Camber ones were making me sick, nope. I went to the Camber site and was shocked to see under the allergen info "dye free" when the ingredients clearly listed dyes (blue for my dosage). I had the most ridiculously hard time getting the pills replaced. Nobody would take back the Camber pills. Everywhere I went just pointed me to their drop box. But my dr would not write a new script without proof i disposed of the pills I had. I couldn't give them to the dr's office. They couldn't legally handle them.

They told me to surrender them to the police department, who also couldn't handle them. I was told to just put them in the drop box. In the mean time i kept puking blue and if i didn't get sick I was nauseous, had the worst headaches. I complained to Camber, mostly about their allergen info being incorrect. They emailed me back with a link basically calling me a liar. They had flxed it, but I had taken a screenshot. So nice try Camber. I reported them to the FDA with copies of the screenshots. Turns out I have an allergy to the blue dye. I was eventually able to get rid of the Camber pills and get a new script from a local pharmacy the was able to verify what they use and it is now on my record to not be given any meds with blue dye. But it took weeks to get sorted out. And i was left with the option to take pills that are making me sick or go through withdrawals and suffer in pain. Which is crap. Now i keep getting contacted by reps from Ascent Pharmaceuticals wanting me to fill out their forms. They also tried to claim they never listed the drug as "dye free" -again nice try, i still have the screenshot, which i sent back to them. I also asked them to leave me alone. I switched pharmacies, i will not accept any medication they make, ever. I just had spine surgery and I don't feel like dealing with them. I filed many complaints. They make poison. And now i know Walgreens will carry anything to make money.

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Re: Bella (# 167) Expand Referenced Message

I was able to get my actavis today because my doctor had my pharmacist order it for me due to severe stomach and pain problems. Walgreens did not want to order it and believe me, they put me off for 2 days pushing my time back to get them. Now I know I was taking a non-true pain med the way it effected my body with the camber. Walgreens said they won't order it again but at least for a month I have true relief. What a huge difference!! Day and night!! I believe camber is a placebo or a treatment med and we are used as test tubes. The worst part they made me feel very shamed with their attitude over it. ACTAVIS is alive and well. They are making them. I got the first batch out of a new bottle, no sickness, no headache, and finally pain relief...thank the Lord.

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Ladies and gents, fellow chronic pain sufferers, we MUST unite and send this to HHS, FDA, drug companies, White House, surgeon gen, and anyone else you can think of. I am sick and tired of putting up with the GENERIC crap and prior auth BS for something that works. I'm tired of feeling like a criminal when I fill my script in order to have somewhat of a pain-free existence. I see we have some knowledgeable people here so we need to brainstorm this and come up with a plan and course of action. Right now it's close to three A.M. I'm not due for another pain pill till four and my sciatica and neuropathy are white hot. Let's get busy....and save ourselves a lot of suffering. Thanks.

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Friend4u (# 187) --

Well, that's great. I'm curious though; how did find this particular site? The only way I came upon Medchat problems with Camber Percocet (specifically), was to indicate that I was having a problem with the drug. Otherwise; If I just googled Camber percocet, then I just got hype and advertisement about the Company and information that they had recently (in September I believe) were announcing that they were now manufacturing generic percocet. When first taking the drug, I knew immediately that something was wrong. I have been following this site since January of this year and you are the first to say you have no problem with the drug. Also, there are other sites where people are venting about their serious side effects. I wouldn't be here if I were feeling good. I have way more important things to do.

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Re: Lildarlin (# 198) Expand Referenced Message

Lil, pain I know very well. You and I are certainly in the same boat. My situation will never get better, as it seems yours. And you're right. There is NOTHING cute or humorous about it! I will not bore the masses with my litany of ailments. Suffice it to say it's never gonna get better. So you and I are in the same boat and to be handed what should be comfort, that ends up to further our sufferings is just wrong on every level. Do not toy with us. What a d#@% shame!

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Jen (# 204) --

I took them too; until I got something else. They helped a little with the pain but the side effects were horrible. All these ridiculous new guidelines have the doctors afraid they will they will loose their license. My oncologist didnt want to be bothered. They have turned doctors into pencil pushers. No wonder they have no time to spend with their patients. Fortunately, palliative care helped me and what a hassle for them and me. I had to call the insurance co. (medicaid) and loose my mind. They had already neglected my care all along; so I guess they figured they better do something. I still have the Camber pills. I offered them back to palliative and they didnt want them. Im keeping them for evidence; because my stomach is still not right after being back on the Activist for 5 weeks. Still gas and burning stomach on and off. I have scans coming up in 10 days. Need to get to a gastroenterologist now too. Of course they make it almost impossible to hold drug companys responsible. If they told me to drop them off somewhere, I wouldnt bother. Best wishes Jen.

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Re: Spark (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Walgreens is only dispensing Camber Percocet and I am changing to another pharmacy..I have felt awful on these..Not much pain relief, extremely weak and other changes in the way I feel..Been on pain meds for numerous problems for several years and made it to 76 years of age...Have never felt this bad...Feels as if I'm having withdrawals..This totally is not human for us that really need them to have a life at all that we can tolerate..Sorry to ramble on, but I'm old and tired of this crap..What do people do now?? Gona' be more deaths than usual from illegal drugs..Some one (the drug dealers) will get richer and more folks will die...Good old USA.

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New numbers are in about the number of opioid deaths which were blown out of proportion by FAKE NEWS of being 52,000 a year. 37% were from cocaine and methamphetamine, over 5000 suicides and another 5000 undetermined intent. The majority of what's left were from heroin and illegal fentanyl. Opioid prescriptions were on the decline before the Government, State, Health Insurers and chains like CVS were putting limits on opioids (boycott CVS). It is estimated that opioid use will be at 1999 levels (almost two decades) in a couple of years. Heroin and illegal fentanyl deaths are rising sharply but you don't hear about that from the fake news and you don't hear about pain meds being changed to be less effective for pain relief while people suffer from debilitating pain reducing their quality of life! I'm over 70, a vet and I can hardly walk, cant take care of myself or my home anymore because of pain. SO MR. GOVERNMENT you can kiss my ass and stick your fake news and your fake pain pills where the sun don't shine.

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Lildarlin (# 266) --

Omg! I can’t believe how we’ve all been victimized by this generic Camber & others. I swear before this amazing medschat site I thought I was suddenly terminally ill &/or losing my mind! Can you please post the phone # & info as to who at Camber I can register my complaint? Rhodes percocet as well & Amneal. I’m not myself after years of no problems with all same symptoms as you all for the last 6-7 months! I feel like I’m taking poison & my pharmacist I feel treats me like an addict when I complain. We must fight this & get the REAL PERCOCET BACK!

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Re: Marv (# 295) Expand Referenced Message

Yes. My Dr told me. It’s very unfair especially to not have been informed as if FDA just “chose”to trick us treating us as “experimental statistics” instead of human beings :(

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Took my first Camber Oxycodone yesterday 3-13-2018. One pill and I can still feel this poison in my body today. ONE PILL!!! Made me feel awful all day long. I am scared to take another. This is unacceptable. Before you fill a prescription ASK who makes it. Do not accept Camber! Or just stay away from Walgreens.

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Re: Lildarlin (# 306) Expand Referenced Message


Been following you and now that you're going through this horrible health scare due to these cambers, holy damn scary, my heart breaks for you and I hope and pray that you heal. I also had horrible experiences with stomach pain throwing up, obviously not as bad as what those pills did to you. That company should pay dearly and what they are doing to people is barbaric!! Please keep us posted, blessings for all.

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The really insane thing about this is that Walgreens will sell you toxic narcotic analgesics and then treat you like a drug addict because you have a problem with taking poisonous opiates meant to reduce abuse and do little to nothing for pain! This seems to be the norm for all of these Nazi chain pharmacies and the Nazi insurance companies that force you to use these inhumane chain pharmacies that treat us like dirt! I feel as though we went to sleep in America and then woke up in a 3rd world socialist communist country! I then pinch myself and come to the realization that it's not a dream, but the sick insane reality in America! Suffering Americans have now taken a backseat to drug addicts and America's failed war on drugs! The government, FDA and DEA are nothing but the puppets for big pharma! Profits and fake concerns before quality of life, always! Drain The Swamp has never been more true!

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Re: David (# 324) Expand Referenced Message

Good morning! Get this... I received an email from Walgreens at 8:01 this morning. It said "call Walgreens about Actavis generic". I called them back. I asked about the email. The person who answered the phone didn't know anything about it. I told her I use to take the Actavis generic oxy., was the email regarding that? Again she knew nothing about it. I asked her if they are getting a lot of complaints about what the camber is doing to everyone? She said, "no, not at all!" Plus, she had a major attitude to boot! We need a class action suit against Walgreens!!!

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Re: MAT (# 330) Expand Referenced Message

Hello? If you read all the complaints here you will see ALL ALTERNATIVES we have tried & exhausted proven to our PROFESSIONALLY TRAINED EDUCATED DR’s through years of surgeries, remedies, etc as our pain proven not imaginary, is consistantly proven in our MRI’s, CT SCANS ... ALL OF IT. How dare you judge us. I’m to a point where I want to post all my years of test results to people like you categorizing us chronic pain sufferer’s.

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Re: MAT (# 330) Expand Referenced Message

Duh why didnt we all think of that. OTC meds for immense chronic pain. Pls go elsewhere TROLL

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Re: MAT (# 330) Expand Referenced Message

MAT.....May I old are you? Your advice and comment would be offensive if I thought you were out of your teens. Teenagers may not know, so YOU may not know that tylenol, and other OTC (O=OVER, T=THE, C=COUNTER) meds, used long term, are harder on the liver and stomach than your standard opioid. Morphine is relatively easy on the stomach, which i see from your post, you did not know. But again, i cant expect a child to know this. Most chronic pain sufferers started out using OTC meds. Probably for years, some still have tylenol mixed into the opioid. Myself, since my conditions will only get worse I have been switched to morphine pills without tylenol. And, being a big girl who understands why, I have no problem with that.

Ok, I've had my fun^^^^^^. It's obvious you know nothing about chronic, non-stop pain. Truly, I am glad you dont. But.....if I had to choose between constant pain and dependence, I would pick dependence. That is manageable, and is not life-threatening. To live with the physical problems, without some form of control, can be so terribly depressing, that for some, it may lead to suicide. Exhaustion, lack of sleep, loss of appetite, being so very alone in this struggle, only exacerbates the depression, to the point that, desperate measures may be taken to put an end to the suffering. Yes, I am talking about a minority, but I'm one of those knuckleheads that believe EVERY life matters. Any sufferer that has reached that awful point, I guarantee has not had proper pain control. Once pain is properly managed the sick rise, clean house, socialize, and go to church, if so inclined. Yep, makes life worth living again. Food tastes good again. There are babies to hold, parties to attend, hair appointments. In other words, LIFE to attend to.

Your life, after a certain point of disease process, is no longer helped by tylenol. In truth, even the opioid doesn't work so well, and we need stronger ones. For many of us, there is no high to be had, but there is life to be lived. May you never have to walk in our shoes, but if you do, I hope you get the care you need and that there are still helpful forums like this one. God bless.

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Re: Fed Up (# 341) Expand Referenced Message

There aren't many options for pharmacies in my town. And now that Rite Aid is part of Walgreens they also carry Camber. The only place locally for me that had something other than Camber was CVS. At first they had the Mallinckrodt which didn't give me the horrible side effects that the Camber pills did. But then they switched to Rhodes, while not my favorite my pain has been pretty well managed and they haven't completely destroyed my stomach. My dosage is also the 5/325. I've fluctuated throughout the past year as far as how much I take. I had to have surgery the first week of February. So my prescription changed. On both the Mallinckrodt and Rhodes I was taking up to 12 a day without any issues with side effects right after surgery. When I picked up my first bottle of the poison Camber has out there in the beginning of January, a month before my surgery, I was sick after my 2nd dose. While the Actavis worked the best, I haven't had any issues with either Mallinckrodt or Rhodes. I'm currently tapering down in hopes that my pain can be managed without the Percocet. Or at the very least I can get back down to what I was taking before things got bad. I will never take anything made by Camber ever again.

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Re: Jen (# 347) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks for your reply Jen, I diddent list Dilulid,Oxycontin,Fentynel or oxymorphone cause I know those are far much stronger than the Vicodin or Percocet 5's n 10's I was just trying to help those people out that maybe they thought they were stuck with no other options.I diddent think about being allergic to the dye in them so thank you for pointing that out I'm sure their are many more people in your shoes with that same problem. Glad you found a way to get your meds and avoid those horrible Camber pills. Like I said I don't get those n I'm glad I don't have to deal with that but DAM you would think people would do whatever it takes to get something different prescribed and put that stupid company out of Business!!!!!

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PLEASE take a look at my page I started "Opioids getting Weaker" and share your story's of what's REALLY going on across the country with these bunk and poor excuses for pain meds. I know there's millions of people going thru this in one way or another. Let's call out the the bad companies and bad drugs that we should all stay away from to help one another be more informed on what's going on. You can remain anonymous but we need to all come together and call out these companies n put our heads together and see what we can do to make a difference. Thanx for your support and story's much appreciated

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