Camber Pharmaceuticals Generic Percocet (Page 25) (Top voted first)


Just got Camber Pharm generic Percocet at Walgreens instead of the Actavis brand. It's giving me an upset stomach and causing me to feel weird. Has anyone else had a similar reaction?

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Bella (# 428) —

Just finished reading this entire thread after googling to see if others had problems with Camber as I did. I have already switched to a local independent pharmacy that has a different generic before I read this thread.

I got my Percocet generic 5-325 refilled at Walgreens on May 1 and it was the first time I received Camber instead of Actavis. Because most nights I only need 1/2 pill, a 30-day supply lasts me close to 2 months. My previous refill had been mid-March, and my Walgreens still had Actavis then, so I did not get afflicted with the Camber curse as early as many of the rest of you did.

I had been on Actavis Percocet 5-325 for eight years with no problems. When I got the Camber on May 1, it did not work for me. It was as if I had taken nothing for my pain. My regular Walgreens pharmacists know me and do not consider me a junkie, but when I called to see if they could get the Actavis (and they DO order a non-preferred generic Zofran for me), they said the Actavis no longer showed up in their system.

The Camber did not make me as sick as it made most of you, but I felt “strange” after taking it, and as I said, it did nothing for my pain. I called a local independent pharmacy, and they use a different generic, not Actavis or Camber. I told them anything has got to be better than Camber.

I took the remaining 27 Camber pills to my primary care doctor so he would know I was not tryng to get extra pills. He took the Camber pills, and he wrote a new script with the note, “May refill early.” The local independent pharmacy filled it and it turned out they use Alvogen as well. My 5-325 Alvogen pills are blue; I wonder why yours and mine are blue, but some others using the same strength have gotten white pills?

I do not think the blue dye is an issue for me though. I think the Alvogen is *slightly* less effective for me than the Actavis was, and now my only question is whether to stay with Alvogen or try the pure oxycodone that some have mentioned. I think I read you have tried the pure oxycodone too—which did you find to be better, the pure oxycodone, or the Alvogen? One of my other doctors wanted me to try pure oxycodone in the past because she was concerned about liver damage from the acetaminophen, and my regular Walgreens pharmacist confirmed that the oxycodone is actually less harmful than the acetaminophen. But my primary care doctor wanted me to stay with Percocet because he said the acetaminophen made the oxycodone work better.

Of course I could take pure oxycodone and take the acetaminophen separately as has been mentioned. Just wondering if the pure oxycodone or the Alvogen has worked better for you.

I talked to a pharmacist at a different Walgreens (not my regulars, who know me) to see if they were shortening their pharmacy hours too (more on that later), and I mentioned the Camber problem to him, and he said he would not order Actavis even if he could, because it commands a higher street price. I had to ask him to repeat the “street price” comment, because I didn’t understand what he was talking about. He explained he was talking about illegal drug dealers. I asked him, “What does that tell you, that the Actavis is worth more than the Camber, on the street? The Camber is cheap because it is crap.” He had no reply to that.

I hated leaving my Walgreens after 23 years. They had been a local chain, Kerr Drug, until Walgreens bought them out 6 or so years ago. All the employees that were there when I started were gone; I had been a customer there longer than any current employee had been working there. I had been considering switching to this local independent pharmacy for several years, as Walgreens has become more difficult in recent years, but I had been putting it off because my Walgreens pharmacy was open until 9 p.m. on weeknights, while the independent closed at 7 p.m., and the Walgreens had the convenience of a drive-through, whereas the independent has no room for one. But on May 3, my Walgreens started closing its pharmacy at 7 p.m. on weeknights (although all the other Walgreens in the area still have their pharmacies open until 9 p.m. on weeknights), and the local independent pharmacy has added curbside service for people like me who have trouble walking, so my reasons for sticking with Walgreens were dwindling. The Camber disaster was the final straw, so I switched. I like the idea of dealing with an independent pharmacist who is not a cog in a greedy corporate chain like Walgreens.

I was spending about $6,000 a year in copays on all my medcations, but I guess a big chain like Walgreens doesn’t mind losing my business...

Would like to know which one—the pure oxycodone or the Alvogen—has worked better for you?

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I've been getting Camber Percocet for 3 months from Walgreens. I have Dystonia, a muscle disease much like Parkinson's, so chronic pain. I called the pharmacy and she said they would order actavis for me. I have to call every month before it's time to get them filled so that they can order them. Last month I forgot to call, my daughter picked them up and it was camber brand again! The pharmacist told me that she orders actavis for several people like me that have complained of sickness, and the meds just not working. Everyone needs to call and let the pharmacy know, because I told her I would have to leave Walgreens if they couldn't get another brand in!

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Re: Angela (# 439) Expand Referenced Message

My Walgreens said they could no longer order Actavis Percocet. I told them I would have to switch pharmacies, and the pharmacist said OK. I was paying $500 myself for prescription copays every month, but they didn’t seem to care if they lost my business.

You are lucky your Walgreens pharmacist will order it. I wish I could talk to your pharmacist to find out why she can order it but mine could not. And then I would raise hell with Walgreens management.

One question—what dose are you on? Bella seemed to indicate that the 5 mg she and I take was discontinued by Actavis.

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Re: Bella (# 449) Expand Referenced Message

Bella I pray you & all get relief soon. At 1st when I came upon Alvogen I felt great; no side effects. The the fatigue, nausea etc allstarted again. Who knows what is going on but this lifeline for us has been changed. Yet our bodies are physically dependent. They must have all round removed an ingredient that lifted us out of the depression of years of chronic pain. Hope the straight oxy helps you. I tried same & felt numbed by it until my friend a Dr said it’s a must to take tylenol(over counter) along with it to trigger the oxycodone.
Much love to you & all!

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I have filled out a report to actavis the company that subs out to camber the pills made me sick they would not look at why because they need the lot number
Now we know nay the pharmacist has this information so I sent the all the information like ke they asked and of course their answer we can’t find lot number

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I am using Camber Pharma generic Percocet 7.5/325 and I have Gastroesophageal Reflux. I noticed that when I use this medication my reflux is a orange color, but on day's I do not use it my reflux is clear. Other than the GERD do not have any other stomach problems. I have used other brands and did not have this problem. Does any one else have this problem?

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Re: MeJane (# 455) Expand Referenced Message

I agree, the CDC DEA or whatever GOV agency is short changing the CPP community so we cannot function. The CRAP fillers are infiltrating our meds, a ten mg perc might have two mg of oxy, i feel they are weaker and weaker and No it is not our body getting used to it BS. We need an interested law firm and independent lab for some serious work. WHERE? Who?

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Re: Jen (# 458) Expand Referenced Message

The pharmacist at Wallgreens has no control over Wallgreens corporate. I read recently where they can get in trouble; even fired if they go out of there way to help the patient. I hate a tech tell me once when I was going through the same as you; "I hate Wallgreens, its just a job. I got the activist back for 2 months after the Camber nightmare; then the manger was nice enough to tell me Camber would be all I could get. Ive known him a long time. Dont ever call Corporate, they will play games. No attorney will help. The FDA and Big Pharma control all of this. Im too tired to get into it further. Anyone who does is wasting their time. After this experience; any time i pic up a script now, I say; dont ring that up until I see whats in the bottle. Check the manufacturer to see if its the same with any drug. Once they ring it up; they will not take it back. Your stuck with it.

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Re: Bella (# 459) Expand Referenced Message

I have kept some of those pills. If I werent so busy, I would try to find someone who would analyze those damned pills. The smell like vinegar.

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Re: Bella (# 461) Expand Referenced Message

I recently started on alvogen as well. Horrible nausea, fatigue, reflux ALL OF IT! Yes this all happened quite suddenly; like overnight beginning almost a year ago. All generics tampered & NO BRAND AVAIL TO US TO EVEN TEST IF THERE’s a difference.

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Re: Jen (# 465) Expand Referenced Message

Im to the point where I dont think its the die. I got a refill two months ago on Synthroid (name brand) that i take like your daugter for hypothyroidism. Its blue (abbvie manufac) and I recalled over the years they have been blue before. For me, it has been no problem. In your case it might be a problem. I just think there is something else in those pills that is toxic; plus they are ineffective. They have strong smell of vinegar. It exhausting Jen. As hard as it is with this broken system, it comes down to picking your battles. Im going through hell with ins. and I have cancer. Peopl are being denied opiods that have chronic pain. Hasnt to me yet because of my condition. However there starting to want push Methadone and I smell a rat. (-: I do not want to take that drug. It has worse side effects and is highly addictive.

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ATTENTION LAWYERS. Are any of u chronic pain patients or take generic percocet? The mfg are poisoning us. Someone has to open an investigation. I filled out the FDA online report in January. No response. REALLY? Show no regard for the citizens that pay your salaries.

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Re: Dina (# 468) Expand Referenced Message

When I decided to go with oxycodone vs. percocet, I checked to see what the pharmacist at Wallgreens had in straight oxy. He just put his head down and said its Camber. There a bit closer and thats why I checked with him. Thats when I went to the independent pharmacy that I know of. I got the Epic that he assured me that it was made in the US. They are better and I use a half of 325 mg tylenol. None have been as good as the Actavis; which I noticed the first of the year when I could no longer get it. Its possible I could be developing an immunity but I dont think that's it; it happened overnight if that's the case. I have to take more of the Epic and it wears off quicker. My cancer has come back but this happened before it did. See if you can find an independent that carries the epic.

The last script i picked up said Roxycodone on the label. I called the independent pharmacy when I got home. He said look at the pill; sure enough, it had the same number. Small white pill with E on one side and 5 on the other (5mg). Its the same and I find no difference. Make sure it is a small white scored pill with E on onside and the dosage on the other.

I did some research today and found out what it will cost me to get back on Cannabis (cbd oil with some thc). When I was on that for a year, my scans showed no cancer and I used less oxycodone. If you get a letter from your Doctor and go to a reputable dispensary that got licensed immediately when it was legalized, you can avoid the $50 for the medical card and the $50 that the state requires medical Cannabis patients to have in order to save the outrageous tax's they added to Cannabis when it was legalized. Im going to give it a try again; because the treatments they are offering me have zero guarantee and debilitating side effects. Now Im in California; so you would have to check out the racket (as I call it) in your state. Its not cheap but if you find a good dispensary, they do everything they can to help you. I will try to keep you posted.

My situation is somewhat different but anything we can do to try to help ourselves. I would never even waste time writing to the FDA. Thousands people have filled out there ambiguous BS surveys on the National Pain Report and they have done nothing. I hope you can find a lab to analyze the pills. I have so much going on, I don't have the time.

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Re: Sandy (# 451) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, I just filled a script and was given this camber brand for the first time of 10mg. Yikes, I normally take 1 1/2 4 times a day. NOTHING, and has anyone had the experience if it stays in your mouth just a tad long it dissolves? That’s why a lot of us are suffering with reflux, it’s dissolving too soon. I use a small independent pharmacy. I am shocked because I was tying to stop taking this for my illness, now I have not a clue what will happen. Just not fair that we have to suffer because people are abusing the drug and no one gives a hoot how good honest people are being made sick.


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Re: Bella (# 460) Expand Referenced Message

Dear Bella,
Be very careful if they actually smell like vinegar, last night I check out "how do you tell a fake Percocet from real one", first thing was a vinegar like odor, they have the word percocet written on one side at an angle. Gosh, this is the first time I used this brand and I honestly think the pill is most filler not actual medication is it them. Thanks, Deb

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Re: Debbie (# 472) Expand Referenced Message

I went through that vinegar mess and those burned my stomach up. I've never been more sicker in my life even after a month of those way back. My stomach is still not in the shape it was before what I call ingesting "posion" for a month way back in Feb.

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I don't know, but I really, really wish I had some percocet right now! I would love to even have some hydrocodone right now!!! anybody in Central Arkansas know a good Dr????

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Re: Deb (# 476) Expand Referenced Message

I'm just wondering why after every post I read and every thread I've seen. All 800 post not ONE person has gotten their pills checked!! Trust me I believe all of you guys who have gotten these HORRIBLE fake pills but come on now NOBODY had them checked for what REALLY in those things??
I'm very interested myself to see what the outcome is!! So someone please get these checked already!!!

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Re: Rawdog (# 479) Expand Referenced Message

Why dont you tell us all "EXACTLY" how to do that. What kind of hoops we have to jump through and bureaucracy. Hell, I couldnt find out what the exact ingredients were by calling Big Pharm (called it proprietory inf.) or the manufacturer in a foreign country who likes to just bury you in paper work. I didnt do that but seems others did. I deal with a govt manged health plan so im very familiar with BS. Pretty tough to find the system when your sick from their drugs.

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Re: Rawdog (# 479) Expand Referenced Message

Good point; i’ve been hunting for a Chem Lab. No luck yet but will post my findings to all. There’s definately been a drastic re-formulation as of last year; no “lift” to them anymore; quite the opposite like a tranquilizer now. Also many gastro side effects. We r all starting to realize this & without this site, sharing same concerns, we would’ve continued to think we were losing our minds.

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