Camber Pharmaceuticals Generic Percocet (Page 25)
UpdatedJust got Camber Pharm generic Percocet at Walgreens instead of the Actavis brand. It's giving me an upset stomach and causing me to feel weird. Has anyone else had a similar reaction?
Re: Rawdog (# 479)
Good point; i’ve been hunting for a Chem Lab. No luck yet but will post my findings to all. There’s definately been a drastic re-formulation as of last year; no “lift” to them anymore; quite the opposite like a tranquilizer now. Also many gastro side effects. We r all starting to realize this & without this site, sharing same concerns, we would’ve continued to think we were losing our minds.
Re: Bella (# 480)
Yea I hear you!! I wasent calling you out specifically, I saw people on here saying they were gonna do that but never saw any answers!! I thought between the 800 people on here one person would of known someone in a place where they could make the test happen you know!! And yes it is harder to do than it sounds. But dam someone has to get it done cause I've NEVER SEEN so many people complain about a certain specific drug made by a single manufacturer that has done this much damage!!!
Rawdog (# 481) --
It’s a little difficult to find the lab when you can’t even find a wall firm believe me I’ve tried to look at a class-action suit I’m spending close to $3000 a month for trash insurance but it’s the only game in town don’t have a spare penny to find the lab to work analyze chemicals of a copyrighted material so it’s a little difficult I also find it hard to believe that I can’t find a single large law firm to look at a class-action suit does that tell you the big Pharma might already have everything paid off and set it up?
Marv (# 482) --
First of all; it would take a lot of proof to prove that many have irreversible damage from the drug. That would mean finding out what is in it and proving your reaction and serious damages; including medical records and Doctors notes. Otherwise not worth it to an attorney going up against Big Pharma. A lot of the damages can be hidden. Bringing it up to your Doctors is a waste of time, they wont admit its a problem and dont want to get involved. The antibiotic levaquin (generic Levofloxascin), a class of drugs called fluroqinlans, spelling(?), has left people disabled but it is still being prescribed today. There are blogs about being Floxed. Many lawsuits.
I had an oncoligist prescribe it for a GI infection and I knew in two days that something was seriously wrong. When I told him, he just said; "I give that to my chemo patients all the time" (I was not in treatment). I thought; you wouldnt know if their symptoms were the chemo or the antibiotic. I told him what I read; he acted like I was overacting and would not prescribe another antibiotic. He wanted me to have a complete GI workup by one of his colleagues.
I went to primary care and got bactrim and it did the job. Big Pharma settles; after they check their bottom line and then the drug continues to be distributed. Some drugs get more attn. because the harm is more obvious and media worthy. So many out there that are less obvious and do more damage in the long run.
Check out lawsuits on Levaquin. Beware of that antibiotic. Google; Huff Post Holding Big Pharma accountable; why suing the pharmaceutical industry isnt working. You may think Im negative but I have learned to be a realist.
Re: Jen (# 465)
It's a battle and sometimes it comes down to picking our battles. Im with you; I will never trust anything manufactured by Camber. I question all the generic drug companys and otherwise but Ive been burnt badly by them.
Re: myst (# 477)
Walgreens put a boy brand Percocet on my script but they do not have it so I am stuck with camber
Re: catty (# 3)
I have found that oxicodone 10mg is good by Aurolife has U17 on one side. I order them week ahead of time so my pharmacy has them. These work best for me but everyone is different. Sue
Re: Bella (# 484)
It would literally take a millionaire with a team of lawyers who would be willing to take the time and effort to fight these giant pharmaceutical companies and their multi-million dollar lawyers they have! God Bless him if he's out there and willing to take on the cause--
Re: Sandy (# 486)
U can request the plain ole' oxycodone without tylenol I find they are just as good work better for pain than perocet with tylenol just take tylenol at same time as plain oxycodone.Tylenol makes my ears ring and the perocet made me vomit so they didn't do any good to take.
Re: myst (# 489)
Thats exactly what I do. I dont get it from Wallgreens; because they only carry Camber oxycodone and percocet. Guess they got a great deal with Camber. I go to independent pharmacy. The manufacturer is Epic. Ive said that before but posted it again for the benefit of those who dont not see it. I cut 500mg tylenol in half and take that with it. The less tylenol the better. The less any medication the better. That is working out fine for me. NO more burning throat and all the other horrible side effects that came with Camber.
Re: Bella (# 485)
I read these posts and am shocked that this camber brand is, that bad!! I know there are some s***ty generics out there but this one takes the cake! Thank God I never had to deal with this brand or strength. But if it were me I would have had my doc change me to straight oxycodone 15mg no acetaminophen they are made by Acativis, Mallincrot and many others. I've never had a problem (I am on the 30mg IR) I feel so bad for you guys that have to go thru all this BS. I know some of you guys can't get your doc to write for that high of an instant release but if you can't get no relief from the crappy Percocet then that is the next logical solution. I hope you guys all find relief and find a new good doc that listens, to your problems. I'm gonna do some research on these Camber Pharmaceutical jerks and see what I can find. Untill then...
Re: Rawdog (# 491)
Thanks and i believe you care. There is a couple problems with just getting another script. First of all; if you have picked up a script for 90 or 120 (the limit for the month), then your stuck with it. In my case I had been getting Activis for 18 months and had no idea that they were switching to Camber. Didnt notice until I got home. Wont happen again.
Even if the Doctor is willing to give you a new script, the insurance will not cover it, because you have filled your quota for the month. You could pay yourself "IF" the Doctor is willing to give you a new prescription. The Doctors are now in fear of loosing their license or being criminalized thanks to the witch hunt on opioids. A very effective drug for pain has been villified by our politicians. A drug that allows you to functions and have some quality of life. I heard twice on radio news today, that the deaths from opioids have not decreased. They followed that comment by saying; "the good news is the amount of prescriptions being given has decreased substantial". Made me so angry. Talk about laws that harm people in pain and do absolutely no good. I dont understand how someone who doesnt even deal with pain; doesnt get how that kind of reporting deceives the public and makes no sense.
Re: Bella (# 492)
That is correct that insurance will not pay for a second script in a 30 day period. My doctor was kind enough to write me a script for hydrocodone for the remainder of the month. Since it is a totally different drug insurance pays. She told me that if I was asked any questions to say we are just trying a med change for a short time. Just wanted to throw this out there for anyone else who might get this poison in the future.
Re: Sandy (# 486)
Same happen to me only the Walgreens pharmacy put it on mine and I still can’t get brand
What generic Percocet 10mg did anyone find a good brand. I usually order Aurolife L17 but last month they didn't work. I have been taking them for years so I no difference. Any feedback appreciated. Sue
Re: Sue (# 495)
If you get your meds and have an adverse event called the FDA hotline call the drug company hotline call the pharmacy hotline tell them you had an adverse drug events call your doctor and say the same thing in this case your insurance company must cover a replacement drug if you bring back say 59 tablets to your local pharmacy they have to replace it with 59 tablets of the good stuff not the camber crap find the brand that works what can I tell you
Re: Marv (# 496)
Excellent advise Marv! Thankyou!!! Now I know what to do as my reactions to Alvogen generic terrible. My dr did write med nevessary brand only but not one pharmacy will order it nor the upper tier generic endocet saying its not avail. I will keep trying. Godspeed.
Re: MeJane (# 497)
The pharmacy is feeding you pure BS, they can order anything, problem is COST. Either your insurance wont pay or pharmacy is instructed NOT TO. You have to be a polite yet *****y customer. Contact the PHARMACY BENEFITS COMPANY for your insurance carrier. Those are the bean counters. Say you need a SUPERVISOR ONLY. Get the supv name and tell him or her your family attorney needs to know who to sue after your death (god forbid) for forcing you to taper or use crap generics. Go to GoodRx they might have a non chain pharmacy in your area. Good luck and keep us all posted. Remember we are PATIENTS NOT ADDICTS.
Re: catty (# 3)
Received camber Percocet for my back and it's absolutely garbage. I can’t believe they sell this. I wonder if I can return my prescription for another?
Re: Den (# 499)
What pharmacy? Call ask for supervising pharmacist for region if local pharmacist wont swap. What type of adverse event did u have?
Report to dr as well. You will probably need another RX. If u have say 59 pills left, count in front of a Pharmacist. It's pure crap. They know it, but it's what corporate supplies. Show this thread for whatever it might help. Let me know the outcome. Lotsa luck.
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