Camber Pharmaceuticals Generic Percocet (Page 24)
UpdatedJust got Camber Pharm generic Percocet at Walgreens instead of the Actavis brand. It's giving me an upset stomach and causing me to feel weird. Has anyone else had a similar reaction?
Re: Marv (# 456)
The side effects from the Camber and lack of effectiveness happened overnight. I tried to discuss it with a couple Doctors and they try to blame it on developing an immunity. Ever since I cant get the original formula of the Activist. Im using more. I stayed stable on the Activis for 18 months. I tried Alvogen 5 mg percocet before the epic straight oxy. Once again big blue pills and THEY UPSET MY STOMACH.
Re: Bella (# 460)
I sent an email to ERIN BROKOVICH AND TWEETED HER ALSO...NOTHING. A lot of big crap going on here. My next email campaign is the poison control center, and white house.
Re: Marv (# 462)
Wow!! Marv...huge step in right direction! It cant be a mere coincidence that 100’s of us Chronic Pain patients are suddenly getting very sick from ALL the generic variations of oxycodone especially percocet oxycodone/acetameniphin. Bella, sweet Bella, in your case Cancer?!?!? Ive been having GI & esophogial problems as well, phatigue is horrible too! The formula has definately changed. They are making us sick & will not tell us the truth. Pls keep me in the loop. God bless us all.
Re: Bella (# 461)
I recently started on alvogen as well. Horrible nausea, fatigue, reflux ALL OF IT! Yes this all happened quite suddenly; like overnight beginning almost a year ago. All generics tampered & NO BRAND AVAIL TO US TO EVEN TEST IF THERE’s a difference.
Re: Bella (# 459)
I also verify the manufacturer before accepting my meds. I do for all my meds now. I switched pharmacies when they told me they couldn’t order anything else. I was mostly upset that they filled the prescription, which contains blue dye, even though my dr specifies dye free. And they have blue dye listed as an allergy in my file there. I believe that if they didn’t have any alternatives they should have contacted my dr and refused to fill it. How can they fill a prescription with something that contains something the patient is allergic to? I didn’t accept the pills that day. I just called my dr the next morning to have her call it in to my new pharmacy (which is where it should have been called into from the start) since prescriptions for controlled substances can’t be transferred. But then Walgreens contacted me to let me know they had another generic on hand that was dye free. So I did let them fill it. But I haven’t gone back since. I’ve also dealt directly with the drug company because their website claimed it was dye free under the allergen info. But then goes on to list the various dyes (different colors depending on dosage) in the ingredients. I took and still have a screenshot of it. When they contacted me back they told me I was wrong that the information was correct on and sent a link. They had changed it. And dye wasn’t the only allergen they changed. After I replied back with the screenshot I had taken they had a rep call and email me a number of times looking for all sorts of information. I will no longer trust anything made by Camber. When my daughter’s generic Singulair got switched to Camber I had the dr write the script for name brand only. In my opinion they’re in the business of making poison and doing everything they can to cover it up. They don’t care how it affects the patients.
Re: Jen (# 465)
Im to the point where I dont think its the die. I got a refill two months ago on Synthroid (name brand) that i take like your daugter for hypothyroidism. Its blue (abbvie manufac) and I recalled over the years they have been blue before. For me, it has been no problem. In your case it might be a problem. I just think there is something else in those pills that is toxic; plus they are ineffective. They have strong smell of vinegar. It exhausting Jen. As hard as it is with this broken system, it comes down to picking your battles. Im going through hell with ins. and I have cancer. Peopl are being denied opiods that have chronic pain. Hasnt to me yet because of my condition. However there starting to want push Methadone and I smell a rat. (-: I do not want to take that drug. It has worse side effects and is highly addictive.
ATTENTION LAWYERS. Are any of u chronic pain patients or take generic percocet? The mfg are poisoning us. Someone has to open an investigation. I filled out the FDA online report in January. No response. REALLY? Show no regard for the citizens that pay your salaries.
Re: Bella (# 461)
I just got my regular script of Oxycodone. I had it filled at Walgreens and almost immediately realized it had "0" pain relief. This turns out to be the manufacturer Camber. These pills are worthless! I have dealt with severe chronic pain for years and I have never had this happen. I depend on my meds to function and I can't with this new generic junk. Contacted Walgreens and my Pain Center, but as I'm sure you have discovered, no change-out or solution. I was also informed that my script with brand would cost $4000.00. The opioid crisis is not helped by having to potentially take "bunches" of an ineffective pain medication. I am looking into getting an analysis of these pills because I have 26 more days before I can get a new script. Obviously we have to pay attention to these generics. If this was heart related, getting the correct medication would not be such an issue. Since pain is now just viewed as legally problematic, people dealing with chronic conditions also need to make some noise.
Re: Dina (# 468)
I’m in same boat & looking for a lab to analyze mypills. It is not just Camber. It seems to be all generic forms of oxycodone/acetiminiphen. There’s definately a change in formulation& effect. I’ve been a chronic pain patient for 25yrs. We know the difference yet seems cant get an honest answer of what has been added/deleted. Pls let me know if u find an honest Lab to analyze & I’ll sendmine to them, then we can have proof & move on to the next step. Also dear one & others, know u have not become intollerant nor r u losing your mind. This is real.
Re: Dina (# 468)
When I decided to go with oxycodone vs. percocet, I checked to see what the pharmacist at Wallgreens had in straight oxy. He just put his head down and said its Camber. There a bit closer and thats why I checked with him. Thats when I went to the independent pharmacy that I know of. I got the Epic that he assured me that it was made in the US. They are better and I use a half of 325 mg tylenol. None have been as good as the Actavis; which I noticed the first of the year when I could no longer get it. Its possible I could be developing an immunity but I dont think that's it; it happened overnight if that's the case. I have to take more of the Epic and it wears off quicker. My cancer has come back but this happened before it did. See if you can find an independent that carries the epic.
The last script i picked up said Roxycodone on the label. I called the independent pharmacy when I got home. He said look at the pill; sure enough, it had the same number. Small white pill with E on one side and 5 on the other (5mg). Its the same and I find no difference. Make sure it is a small white scored pill with E on onside and the dosage on the other.
I did some research today and found out what it will cost me to get back on Cannabis (cbd oil with some thc). When I was on that for a year, my scans showed no cancer and I used less oxycodone. If you get a letter from your Doctor and go to a reputable dispensary that got licensed immediately when it was legalized, you can avoid the $50 for the medical card and the $50 that the state requires medical Cannabis patients to have in order to save the outrageous tax's they added to Cannabis when it was legalized. Im going to give it a try again; because the treatments they are offering me have zero guarantee and debilitating side effects. Now Im in California; so you would have to check out the racket (as I call it) in your state. Its not cheap but if you find a good dispensary, they do everything they can to help you. I will try to keep you posted.
My situation is somewhat different but anything we can do to try to help ourselves. I would never even waste time writing to the FDA. Thousands people have filled out there ambiguous BS surveys on the National Pain Report and they have done nothing. I hope you can find a lab to analyze the pills. I have so much going on, I don't have the time.
Re: Sandy (# 451)
Hi, I just filled a script and was given this camber brand for the first time of 10mg. Yikes, I normally take 1 1/2 4 times a day. NOTHING, and has anyone had the experience if it stays in your mouth just a tad long it dissolves? That’s why a lot of us are suffering with reflux, it’s dissolving too soon. I use a small independent pharmacy. I am shocked because I was tying to stop taking this for my illness, now I have not a clue what will happen. Just not fair that we have to suffer because people are abusing the drug and no one gives a hoot how good honest people are being made sick.
Re: Bella (# 460)
Dear Bella,
Be very careful if they actually smell like vinegar, last night I check out "how do you tell a fake Percocet from real one", first thing was a vinegar like odor, they have the word percocet written on one side at an angle. Gosh, this is the first time I used this brand and I honestly think the pill is most filler not actual medication is it them. Thanks, Deb
Re: Debbie (# 472)
I went through that vinegar mess and those burned my stomach up. I've never been more sicker in my life even after a month of those way back. My stomach is still not in the shape it was before what I call ingesting "posion" for a month way back in Feb.
Re: Lildarln (# 473)
I am calling my Dr about this patients who are in constant pain is a hard way to live and not fair. I had a similar situation with generic synthroid now you would think exactly the same well NO!!! After a week on the generic I gained 10 pounds was so fatigued so I then got the brand from Abbvie and with 2 weeks all symptoms were gone. You actually can have your Dr say on the script do not fill with camber and Walgreens will have to substitute. This is insane someone posted that they were experiencing withdrawal and that’s because there is more filler than med and make the generic company fatten their pockets!!!
I don't know, but I really, really wish I had some percocet right now! I would love to even have some hydrocodone right now!!! anybody in Central Arkansas know a good Dr????
Re: MeJane (# 469)
A friend told me that you might want to check with your county ME offices, they might be able to help you get a good lab. I think it would be a great idea for an independent lab to show what crooks these companies are.
I had to have my doctor prescribe me straight oxycodone as the brand at Walgreens was causing me to projectile vomit. Camber I believe they were. How is it that Walgreens can get away with selling junk meds that are making people sick? It defeats the purpose of them working. I had zero relief cause I was throwing them up.
Re: Deb (# 476)
Thank you for taking the time to care & reply. Bless you & all of us thrown into this mess.
Re: Deb (# 476)
I'm just wondering why after every post I read and every thread I've seen. All 800 post not ONE person has gotten their pills checked!! Trust me I believe all of you guys who have gotten these HORRIBLE fake pills but come on now NOBODY had them checked for what REALLY in those things??
I'm very interested myself to see what the outcome is!! So someone please get these checked already!!!
Re: Rawdog (# 479)
Why dont you tell us all "EXACTLY" how to do that. What kind of hoops we have to jump through and bureaucracy. Hell, I couldnt find out what the exact ingredients were by calling Big Pharm (called it proprietory inf.) or the manufacturer in a foreign country who likes to just bury you in paper work. I didnt do that but seems others did. I deal with a govt manged health plan so im very familiar with BS. Pretty tough to find the system when your sick from their drugs.
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