Calvepen Tabs 666mg
UpdatedPrescribed for a sore throat
This medication is unavailable in the U.S. and I am sorry to say that other countries do not regulate their prescription drugs as strictly as the FDA does. That said, finding information on them is very difficult, since there are no databases which list them all, like there are for U.S. prescription drugs.
The only thing I can suggest is that you try asking your doctor or pharmacist for more information.
was prescribed 21 of these and cant remember why, i still have them because i go better without them!
i am on a prescribed course of calvepen 666mg, one to be taken 4 times a day.
i went to the doctor with painfully swollen glands and all over body aches.
it seems to be clearing up quite nicely. however, i am experiencing some strong side effects. the tablets seem to knock me out for hours, sleeping for 12 hours at a time.. really deep sleep. and when i wake up i feel rather nauseous and disorientated... it usually passes after a while, and i'm sure that's just because the meds are working!
I wa prescribed this for swollen glands, tonsilitis and all over aches. I take four a day and it makes me quite tired, slightly unbalanced and when I sleep I sleep for hours and it is also very deep.
I was also prescribed these for sore throat and chest infection. Could not understand why I was so extremely tired and somewhat disorientated the last few days. Now I know, must be a side effect of tabs.
Yeah, I am glad to have this website as I had a sore throat and I was adviced to take those. I have taken antibiotics before but they never made me feel dizzy like those do. Well about the tiredness, I think all antibiotics tend to bring this effect.
i've been prescribed calvepen and am 2 days into the course but no signs of fatigue tiredness or anything abnormal hsve shown up
I have been prescribed Calvepen too, 3 a day for 10 days. Half way through and no side effects. If anything I am sleeping less. Just hope they clear up my throat.
ive been taking them 4 times a day for two days now. got them because ive got tonsillitis. they make me sleepy, i keep losing my balance and i keep getting chest pains. the pains get worse every-time i take them but my throat is getting better. i wanted to find more info on them because my doc prescribed 3 diff thing that were taken on the Irish market while i was on them because they damaged peoples livers
These tablets done nothing for my throat, I had to take a trip back the doctors and I prescribed Klacid Forte 500MG tabs. These seem to be working, still have two days to go.
I am on these for sore throat - am feeling dizzy too. Find them v strong. Have a weeks course of 3 a day. Hope I can still a bit of training with them. Anybody else train on them.
have a throat infection and got them prescribed to me today. the doctor said i should feeel the effects immediately, but its been over 14 hours since i took the first one, and nothing. am taking 3 per day for 10 days. i hope they work
On these tablets 4 a day for an initial 7 days but could be extended for a second week I was told. They were subscribed for tolsillities, swollen glands and general flu like symptoms. Took about 12hours before they began to kick in. On them 3 days now and glad to say they are working. Am tired but have no dizziness!
i am taking itfor last 3 days and i am feeling extreamly short of breath
I literally just got these today and supposedly I have to take 6 a day? my throats not even that bad? Could this be wrong? I think the chemist mean to write 3 times a day but said take two 3 times a day?
Rachel-- count out how many pills you have total. If taking them 6 times a day equals less than 5 days, it might be wrong. I'm not a doctor, but 6 seems like a lot.
Have also been prescribed them, 4 a day for 5 days. This is my third antibiotic in a month and a half. The doctor refuses to give me an antibiotic for more than 5 days, and I swear that's why I'm still sick. Does anyone else think 5 days is a little short?
I just completed a course of calvepen 666mg 4 a day for 10 days for scarlet fever (a throat infection) and only side effects were really dry skin and less energy. No difference in sleeping. My doc did say u need 10 days of tablets to totally clear it when there's a bacterial throat infection (strep bacteria)
iv been put on this as a last resort to clear up a nasty throath infection, they are my third set of anti biotics, prescribed a course for one week 3 times daily and after once a day for 8 weeks, i find i have no energy at all and hardly any apetite, and if i stand up too quickly i get quite dizzy, cannot wait to be finished!!!
I am taken these tablets and on 3 a day for 7 days, on my third tablet and fellen quite nasuated and dizzy already..
Most Recent Replies:
Re: ANNE B (# 8)
I finished a 10 day course this a.m. of 666 mg -taking 4 every 6 hrs and taken 1 hr before meals. Given for tonsillitis. Did feel tired but I think tonsillitis causes tiredness. Noticed yesterday that my tongue was sore in one spot with no memory of biting it while eating. This morning I could feel a small lump in my tongue which is why I googled for any side-effects of this drug. I suspect the lump is a side effect caused by the build-up of the antibiotic, and hopefully will subside.
Re: Shivers (# 45)
Sorry to hear about your daughter's reoccurring infections. Calvepen (penicillin) can in fact be used to treat upper respiratory infections. So if this is what was prescribed for her previous upper respiratory infection then I don't see why she wouldn't be able to take it again for the same type of infection. Bacterial resistance is usually caused by only partially treating an infection with antibiotics and not fully eradicating it the first time around. But since she didn't take Calvepen the first time, this should be a non-issue in my own personal opinion.
Do you happen to have any updates on how things went?
My daughter was prescribed Calvepen a few weeks ago for an upper respiratory infection. She didn’t start then as she got better, but now she seems to have a chest infection. Could she start the antibiotics now? We don’t want another visit to the gp.
So I've been taking the Calvepen tablets for 6 days now and have had headaches and stomach pains non stop. Also, my period is a week late and I don't know if the antibiotic could have something to do with it?
HI. Im taking calvapen for the craic. going well so far
I'm on day 7 of 10 with these tablets and I'm taking 4 per day. I get unbelievably tired at times and yesterday I got really dizzy - like vertigo.
My throat has cleared up which is good but I can't wait to be off these pills.
I'm taking calvepen 666mg 1x4 times/d. This is my 4th time on it and I have to say I don't feel to be on antibiotic at all again and it works very slow for me.
I was prescribed calvepen 666mg 4 times day for swollen glands and sore throat. Now I have aches and pains, and a fever started yesterday. I'm feeling much better but am a bit dizzy at times and sleeping a lot.
I got calvepen For swollen glands And its brillant , pain relief After just few hours its actually a first antybiotyc which helps that fast And i always has a tonillitis i take it also with mefac cause i was quiet sore And its just brillant . No sides effects
i have been taking calvepen 666mg three times a day on my first day the doctor gave them to me.They were making me so tired i had to cut down to, two a day and i am still tired want to know if they will still work to take away my ear infection.a
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