Caffeine And Cocaine
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Can heavy caffeine use cause a false positive for cocaine in urine drug screens or saliva swabs? I have a patient who uses an unreal amount of caffeine in the form of coffee daily, plus he used many "energy shots" daily which have caffeine, niacin, Vit B6, Vit B12, Folic Acid, Taurine, Malic Acid, glucoronolactone, N-acetyl-L-taurine, and L phenylalanine

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What about lidocaine? Like the toothache med. Would it show up as false positive? Just wondering!

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No mate, lol

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He tells me he has not taken anything else OTC. Explain this to me: we did a UDS and a saliva swab on the same day. Swab was + for cocaine, and UDS was negative. Unless he altered his urine, is there any other way this could have happened?

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No, from the research I've found, caffeine hasn't been known to cause false positives for anything else.


I also didn't find any of the other listed nutrients to be known to cause such a thing, if they did, we'd all be in trouble, since these are substances present in all of our bodies and which we take in daily.

Has he taken anything else, even over the counter products?

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