Caduet Side Effect Information (Top voted first)


Concerned about side effects, mainly memory loss that I hear comes with this drug.

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What are the possible side effects of plagerine a? My father has been consuming it for 5 years...Is this pill dangerous?

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I have been on Caduet 5/40 and in the past 3 years had very bad symptoms of dry mouth, dizziness, cramps, joint pain, blurred vision, neck pain, emotional ups/downs, stress, loss of sleep. etc... I am now taking time of work at the moment and my GP has put me on anti-depressants which I am not happy about. Not happy at all. I will be seeing my GP again asap.

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I have memory loss too and am very concerned. Forget where i put things and split second gorget what I was about to do.

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Caduet contains Amlodipine, and Atorvastatin, it is used to treat high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, joint/muscle aches, and headaches.

GG, how are you doing, now? Are either of you on any other medications?

Recent studies show that elevated cholesterol levels do not put people in as much danger as previously thought, but I am not a doctor, and the that is something you have to discuss with your medical provider.

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