Chronic Pain Meds (Top voted first)


Id like to hear what other people are taking for chronic, acute, progessive pain. My doc wont write for oxycontin / he writes for compounded vicodin up to and over 100mg / yes 100mg compounded locally. I would like to know if any one else is getting compounded hydrocodone

14 Replies

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Re: Kelly (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I agree suboxone helps with my pain drastically it has been a life saver me. I actually have accumulated more than I need because they work so good

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I have had chronic arthritis(osteo and other)for 40 yrs.I have tried everything,the best is MSContin 30mg(morphine)2 or 3 times a day,I used to take 4,but was impacted bad.On 3 with senna S(light laxative)I use a hot water enema to avoid straining!No alcohal or street drugs,smoking and I go to church every sunday(christian) You will always have pain,but its manageable.

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Re: twocane (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I was on 24mg of Oxy and 5mg Percoset 3x a day, and was also on Opana and didn't notice a change. I barely left the house. Now I am on Suboxone, and my pain level went way down. I know I will never be pain free, but suboxone I have a much better quality of life.

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Re: paingoaway (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

I'm so sorry i wish we could think of a way to help you because I sure would

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Is Opama ER 20 mg better for chronic pain than Oxycotin?

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What is compounded vicodin? It doesn't have 100 hydro does it? Can you tell me about it? Thanks!

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Oxymorphone er, same as opana, actually made my pain much worse, along with extreme constipation.

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I got 30mg hydrocodone compound. Its a tiny capsule. 100,% hydrocodone no Tylenol.. I was taking 8mg Dilaudid 3x a day. Now im taking these 4x daily. I have 3 herniated discs 1 bulge, sciatica and a left leg with no reflex. Dead leg syndrome. I need a good pain reliever . This is it. Always loved vicodin just couldn't handle all the Tylenol. So if you can get those compound I dont know how bad your pain is. But this will take care of you. Much cleaner and cleared feeling of a roxy or Dilaudid. Which I hate Dilaudid amd oxycontin. Impossible to fill in south Florida. But yeah id like to hear more if anyone has taken these

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Re: twocane (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

My husband sure thought it was. It's Oxymorphone...Morphine.

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Re: Stitch (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

My Dr cut me off...I have chronic OA and a bad back. I live in NJ...

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Re: Kelly (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I meant to type 240 mg of Oxycontin. Quite a lot, 80mg x3.

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Re: paingoaway (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

I wish I lived closer and could help you, then I would

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Re: paingoaway (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Why did your doctor cut you off, and what are you doing now? May I ask what you were taking, and for what?

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Re: Stitch (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Then send me some,got cut off for having some of an old prescription in my urine,when had a ruff couple weeks and ran out early and took a couple hydro's from when I first started on pain meds

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