Butesin Picrate - Compounding (Page 2)


Hello. I'm from Australia and had been sorry to learn that Butesin Picrate cream was removed from commercial sale. My daughter (a registered pharmacist with Pharmaceutical Compounding exp.) recently suffered burns while she was home cooking: I said my "often quoted regret" about the cream's discontinuation. We have - between us - located the original (1%) pharmaceutical compounding instructions for it and provided it's not large scale manufacture I can arrange to put you in touch with the compounding pharmacy - only in limited supply for individuals though (like many of us who grew up with this cream in our mothers' first aid boxes!).

One ingredient (apparently) had cancer-causing discussions at scientific circles... and that's part of the PR disaster that prompted removal. Personally I feel toxic wastes from other industrial sources - and asbestos in C20 housing are at least as bad! I am ok to take the risk with such a superior burn cream and take my chances if I'm in agony from a household burn.

82 Replies (5 Pages)

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I have been hunting for butisen picrate for years. It saved me and my daughter from terrible burn scars. Would appreciate any help you can give me. I live in the Newcastle area.

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Please forward any details of a compounding pharmacy if you come across one.

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Hello All,

I rang a compounding chemist near my home town in Australia and they would have been more than happy to make the cream (especially when I said at least 20 people want to buy it) but they cannot source a key ingredient in Australia; apparently Butesan Picrate is an ingredient. She suggested that this ingredient might be available in the United States. If anyone from the USA is in this thread, could they check for a compounding chemist that could make the cream with the option of ordering and shipping overseas?

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Re: Delma (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

Is there anyone who may know where you could have Butesin Picrate made?

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Re: Delma (# 24) Expand Referenced Message

My brother and I did quite a bit of research about this in the states and found out that one of the ingredients has been determined to cause cancer. That is why the product is no longer made. We also asked a family friend in Brazil to look for it and they were told the same thing.

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thanks for the post.
still have small amount left from abbott labs
would like information on how to get a new supply

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Hi I am after the recipe for my compounding chemist that supplies my Mum's meds - just for a tube or two.

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Yes, I would be very much interested in being in touch with a compounding pharmacy that can make this ointment. Please advise. Many thanks

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Hi, I would be very interested in obtaining a personal supply for myself and faMILY

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Hello Gem
I would love details on getting a tube also. The one I have I treat you like gold and have had it for almost 30 years. I had an extra tube but along the way I gave it to a friend thinking I could always get it. Ugh

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Are you still able to put people in contact with the compounding pharmacy? My dad was a pharmacist and I still have about half a tube from the 1970’s that he brought home. It’s still fairly potent, but I would like to have a fresher amount on hand (I used it just today on a burn and it worked, but not as well). Thank you for any information. I’m in the US in California. I don’t know if there are restrictions.

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I checked with a compounding pharmacy and they have no Butesin Picrate. Love the stuff. Where can I find it? I could use it.

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Oh, this cream is fantastic! My Mum always used it when we burnt ourselves. I gave my last tube to my sister as she works in a kitchen so now I need some for myself. Please could I have the details to order some?
Thank you so much.

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Re: Veronika (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

Hi i just burned myself badly. i have been searching for this years. please send me the info. i would be indebted.

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Could you send me the information for where I might buy it? I'll take the risk. Thanks.

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I have been trying to get Butesin Picrate for some time with no success and would like to contact your source as I have great confidence in this product and my tube of the ointment is almost finished.

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Hi Gem, Please could I get the details of this compounding pharmacy selling this? My son 2 days ago had his car radiator blow up and he has a bad burn down one arm and I know this would help as my mother like so many used it for years on all our burns and it was amazing. Thanks.

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I also live in Oz, have tried to find it for years, and was told by Abbott’s that it was discontinued.
Would love to get it compounded!

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I would very much like to get a tube of Butesin picrate and would appreciate the details of the compounding pharmacy where this may be available. It is only for my personal use and my last remaining tube is almost empty.

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Would very much like to get some.
Pls advise.

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