Burning Pain With Eliquis
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I am not able to tolerate many meds. Cardiologist had me try all the anticoagulants and all gave me terrible side effects. I've a very understanding electrophisiologist and we decided on an ablation. Post ablation he convinced me to try eliquis. I had the joint pain and GI upset that others have reported but also had burning skin. Doc said it was not a reported side effect but he had two other patients who also complained of burning skin. He advised me to stop the eliquis and said he would report it to the FDA. I have no more A-Fib after the successful ablation and am doing fine on a low dose aspirin daily. Wondering if anyone else had the burning sensation while on eliquis. I am so thankful to have a doctor who listens to his patients.

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Re: Bren (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Bs. They can't make you take it. Tell your brother to demand a different blood thinner. I'm on Eliquis for 2 years now. I am not having any side affects. But everyone is different

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Yes, my brother has had burning skin and has asked his Cardiologist to change him from Eloquois, but he refused to. He checked his phone for about 3 seconds, turned to us and said "No, burning is not a side effect. So, no, I will not take you off it. You need it in order to not have a stroke from the AFib. After almost a year of the suffering he has endured from this burning inside him, I think he would almost welcome a massive one. It ruins his life. He has no desire to do anything because of it. All he wants to do is take a sleeping pill and stay asleep night and day. He does nothing anymore. When he has a Dr appt I take him, because he usually doesn't have the strength to drive, and he carries a Yeti cup full of ice water and a wash cloth to wipe his skin with every once in a while so that he can stand the heat. He has also begun to say his neck and shoulder pain is getting worse and now he has been complaining of hip pain and numbness in his hand and arm.
If anyone else is experiencing the burning skin or body, please post here to help others when they talk to their doctors who don't want to change their meds.

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Thank you Lexi. I wish you the best. I hope the coumadin works better for you.

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I am having the same symptoms; the burning skin. I also have joint pain, back and neck pain, and am always tired. I know these are all caused by the Eliquis. I have a few procedures coming up and since I have a few dormant blood clots I am remaining on it till they are over, then I want off of it and put back on Coumadin. I have felt terrible on this medication and always in a state of depression. What they don't understand what is good for one person might not be good for someone else. I hope he can get results with another blood thinner. I had the same problem with xarelto and will not even try Pradaxa. They need to listen because we know our own bodies. Hope he finds relief or changes doctors.

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My brother has burning skin. He is miserable. Can't sleep. Hurting all over. Losing weight drastically. He is also taking Eliquis. We asked his Cardiologist if he would change him to see if it was the Eliquis. He absolutely refused to. Searched his phone and said no, burning skin is not a common effect, I don't believe it and I'm not going take you off it. I reminded him that both my brother and I are in the smaller percent that always gets the very uncommon and deadly symptoms of things and asked would he check for the uncommon side effects. He just gave me a nasty look and said "no". I don't like a Dr who is unwilling to try and see if something is making their patient sick. So, he decided to take himself off and go back on his aspirin. He saw no difference after 5 or 6 days and my pharmacist suggested that he probably would have seen an improvement by then and that for safety's sake he should get back on it.

He has been to every Dr imaginable and the ER multiple times. Whatever it is, I can see the tremendous toll it is taking on my brother. He has gone from a hearty (not fat) active outdoors type of man to a rail thin, stays indoors most of the time and feels like doing nothing type of man. He used to mow his yard and he also took care of our old homeplace too, because he lives next to it, and couldn't stand seeing it get weedy. Now he calls his sons to come mow for him and it kills him to have to do that. He is taking care of his ex-wife too, who has really bad COPD, totally disabled, but he isn't able to. He goes and stays with her almost every day and helps her until her daughter comes home, but it is taking all the energy he has left to do it. I think most days that is his only motivation to get out of bed though. He is such a good person and I have always loved my big brother so much. He is the last of my immediate family I have left and I am desperate to find out what is wrong with him. It is making me ill too watching him waste away right before my eyes. He has taken the Eliquis for several years. Might he should have given the break from it a bit longer? How long would it take to get it out of his body? Pharmacist said 5 days. Maybe longer if you have been on it a while? Any suggestions will be so much appreciated. Thank you.

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My brother is having terrible burning pain in his skin all over, but especially from the shoulders up. His Cardiologist refused to take him off it and try something else. He actually had a terrible attitude about it. But the burning and the start of this new Med six months ago coincide too closely for it to not be. Can his regular physician try him in something else? He is miserable. Feels terrible. Keeping him awake. Keeping him from doing his everyday life things. Why would his Cardiologist not even try to see if he could help him? He us getting to his wits end and he us becoming very emitiinal and irritable.

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My father who recently passed away took eliquis for approx. 3 yrs. He had severe skin problems, itching, but at the end it was stinging & burning. He had a skin problem where tiny blisters broke open and spread to area's of 9" X 3" appearing as 2nd or 3rd degree burns. Extremely painful. I had hoped when he stopped the eliquis a year prior his skin would improve. It did not, I always suspected the eliquis.

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I have been having terrible burning in my upper back and left side of chest and arm. This always happens at night time about 3:30 to 4:00 in the morning

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Hello, Henrie! How are you doing? I'm very glad that the ablation worked for you!

Your doctor is correct, that is not a listed side effect of Eliquis, as reported by the FDA. Other typical ones it may cause can include dizziness, easy bruising, bleeding, hypotension and abdominal pain.

However, there is no way to know how any given medication will affect any certain person that tries it, especially when your sensitive to them.

Has anyone else experienced such a side effect, when taking it?

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