Bronkaid Tablet Availability (Page 5)
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Are we sure that bronkaid tablets haven't been taken off the market in some areas? I went to 3 different drug stores today, in Columbus County, North Carolina, to purchase, and there was an empty shelf where they once were. Not even the pharmacists could say whether they had been discontinued.

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Well, I never tried taking two Primatine so that might be worth a try. Other than that I'm just screwed. I already take Spiriva, Symbacort and Ventolin - there is no inhaler that will help. The removal of Bronkaid from the market will change my life dramatically. I'm a DJ and I'm going to have to stop that. I could never DJ that without Bronkaid. This is a real game changer for me. Maybe to Primatine will help. Also, it only took one Bronkaid a day to for me to breathe cleanly even though you were allowed one every 4 hours so maybe if I eat Primatine like Chicklets.....

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hi, Primatine lists the same ingredients as bronkaid but maybe the chemical makeup of the ingredients is different or something? I know the Primatine has half of the amount in each pill as Bronkaid did so you have to take 2 of the Primatine pills as directed on the box. If you have a regular doctor he should be able to prescribe you some type of inhaler or inhaler machine with the proper medicine to help your breathing. I know Bronkaid was on the market for over 30 years and I took it all the time to help with my asthma and I am upset that production of Bronkaid was stopped at the end of last year. The only thing I can say is talk to your doctor and see what he can prescribe to help your breathing.

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I am a COPD patient and not having Bronkaid available will cut my ability to breath by 50%. There is no suitable substitute. Primatine might as well be sugar tablets - it has no effect on my breathing one way or another. For COPD patients this is a disaster. It will make it a lot harder for them to to breathe and will cut life spans considerably.

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HI, yes bronkaid has been discontiued. it was around for many years but they stopped making it. I tried the Primatine tablets and they seem to do the job and look to have the same ingredients as Bronkaid. I found the Primatine at a Walmart store but most pharmacy stores carry it too. You have to check around. It might be available on the internet too.

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Actually, we have not. The medicines are for my wife, who has had bouts with asthma her entire life. It seems that once we find something that works, it is discontinued. The physicians advice, I suppose, is always good, but they get such a "premium" for answering the simplest of questions which they will usually answer only on their "turf".

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Bronkaid was discontinued as of 12/31/11 due to a phase out of these types of medications.

Have you tried consulting your doctor about using an alternative medication?


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Thanks for your kind response.

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Bronkaid is not being carried in drug stores in Columbia city indiana

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