Bronkaid Tablet Availability (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Are we sure that bronkaid tablets haven't been taken off the market in some areas? I went to 3 different drug stores today, in Columbus County, North Carolina, to purchase, and there was an empty shelf where they once were. Not even the pharmacists could say whether they had been discontinued.

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I too use it for asthma.....double action, helps me with productive cough......I hate the yellow color on Primatine

I like to know where I can get it....

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you can get Bronkaid at most walmarts in the pharmacy section, they have it behind counter so you have to ask for it and they require a id to purchase it.

you can also buy it off of the Mr Medical site, just do a search for Mr Medical and go to their site and do a search for Bronkaid, they have it in the 60 count boxes.

some Walgreen's carry it and also the Rite Aid stores and most of the Meijer Stores in the Ohio and Michigan area carry Bronkaid

you just have to check around to different pharmacies and drug stores and walmarts to see who sells it.

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BRONKAID is definitely available. Yes, it has been short supply in some areas, but it is still there. SOME PHARMACISTS, seeing the short supply, took it upon themselves to tell customers that Bronkaid had been taken off the shelves because it was unhealthy. BULL!
My husband actually was told by the pharmacist at Wal-g-ns that Bronkaid is bad for you. Of course,. three weeks later they were selling it again! What a laugh!
As with any serious medicine, you must be careful. But those of us who have trouble breathing at times have little interest in using the medicines to make crystal meth! Unreal, that I have to have my DL scanned before I can breath right! Shameful!

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Have u gotten any lately or know where I could buy them now online?

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Looks like Bayer has taken Bronkaid off the shelves recently in a recall. Just found out today when I went to the two walmarts here and both were sold out and said it was recalled for packaging problems and not the product itself.

They did not have any time frame on when it would be back on the shelves. Seems like Bayer has done this a few times over the years and never notifies anyone that the item is going to be taken off shelves for a period of time. Also, I think the Mr Medical site is no longer around, he did have Bronkaid earlier this year where you could order online but I cannot locate the site anymore.

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Seen bronkaid was pulled off the shelves again within the past couple of weeks. The walmart people say its because of a packaging problem and not the product itself and it should be back out on the shelves within a couple weeks or so. This makes the second time this year that bronkaid has not been available. I have not contacted Bayer yet about this but will asap. Will keep everyone updated if I find anything else out.

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No I have not found any online that is affordable. Amazon had some listed and also Ebay but both places were super high priced because of the current packaging problem making it almost impossible to find as all the stores have pulled it off the shelves for the packaging recall. Walmart did not have any timeframe on when it would be back on the store shelves there. The Mr Medical company does not have their website anymore, they sell on Amazon now but no bronkaid listed in their products. Primatine is the only alternative to take till bronkaid gets back on store shelves. If I find any info from Bayer I will update you. Thank you.

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Bayer had a voluntary recall on Dec 2012 on bronkaid because of certain wording or warning that was left off of the back of some packaging for Bronkaid. Walmart was part of the recall and it will be back on store shelves at the pharmacy but Walmart could not tell me when. Guessing Bayer is going to repackage all the returned product and then send it back out to the stores. I contacted Bayer and when I hear from them I will update this with any other info. If you do a seach on internet you will find a site with more info on the recall and lot numbers, etc.

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I have borderline narcolepsy and need Bronkaid to keep me awake, especially when Im driving. Had 3 accidents until this was discovered. The medication for narcolepsy is $300 buck w/insurance. Now what??

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I contacted Bayer the other day and their response was that the product was recalled because of some printing missing on some of the packaging regarding medication warnings, etc. They said they are working as fast as possible to get the new package product back on store shelves as soon as possible. They did not give me any time frame. If you check the Walmart site and search for Bronkaid it will allow you to do a search for any stores in your area that have any Bronkaid in stock. I am not sure if all the Walmart stores returned their product they already had in stock or not as it was a voluntary recall by Bayer and not sure if the main Walmart made all the stores comply or not. You can always contact your local Walmart and ask them if they know when the product will be back on their shelves. Not sure what other stores carry Bronkaid but I am sure other pharmacy stores may carry it when its back in stock. Just ask around to see.

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Actually - there was a recall Dec 2012 for Bronkaid due to mis-labeling of the blister packets they come in. Should be back on the shelves in a few months.


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This is the second time within a year that Bayer has taken Bronkaid off the shelves. They should not take a product off the shelf that millions of people dependo on to thelp their breathing difficulties. I was at Walmart the other day and ask them if they knew when it would be back in stock and they did not have any idea. Several months is a heck of a long time for a medicine to be kept off of the shelf. Bronakaid has been a great seller for Bayer for over 30 years and there is no reason it is taking them this long for the new packaging, Can't they just keep producing the product and put it in the new packages instead of taking apart all of the old packages first and repackaging that product?? Does not make any sense at all on what and how they are doing this.Come on Bayer, lets speed up the process, your customers are waiting on you.

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In my area they, were recalled due to pkg. error they said, When I looked it up on line. So maybe they will be back in a few months.

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hi, I contacted Bayer a couple of weeks ago and the only thing they told me that it was recalled for the packaging problem they had with not all the warnings printed on the packaging so it was recalled to get repackaged. It is a good enough selling product that you would think they would send out new product now instead of making everyone wait for them to repackage the old product? does not make any sense, a lot of people have taken this medicine for many years and depend on it to help their breathing problems.

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Did a search on line at Walmart and said my local Walmart had Bronkaid only to call the Pharmacy who said this product has been discontinued. I'm up the creek without a paddle also at this time that is the only thing that has worked for me.

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Per Bayer: They should be fully restocked by the end of February 2013. Too long of a wait if you ask me. I depend on this daily, and I am stuck taking Primatine in the mean time. I prefer Bronkaid. If anyone gets a better update or finds them in their pharmacies again, please inform! Thanks.

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Thanks for the info. That is still a long wait. I don't understand why Bayer did not just put the current bronkaid they were making in the new packaging to keep the stores stocked while they redid the one they recalled? Does not make any sense.

Yes Primatine can help but not as effective as Bronkaid is. I suggest to everyone once Bronkaid is back on the shelves to buy a couple boxes at a time and keep some back just incase in the future this happens again. Here in Ohio you can buy two boxes at a time at Walmart.

Meijers Stores here in Ohio and Michigan use to carry it but not sure if they will have it back once its back on the shelves. Seems that Walmart is the main place that did carry it and will have it back in stock in February as you stated.

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HI Marty,

Bronkaid is suppose to be back on Walmart Pharmacy shelves by the end of February. Long wait but I wanted to let you know incase you did not read the other postings here.

I had contacted Bayer last month and they said it is still in production but with the recall they had for packaging problems it would be a while before all the stores in the United States are stocked up again. They estimate the end of February and all the Walmarts and other stores that carried it will be stocked up.

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I suppose I'll have to stop breathing for a few months here, maybe in the meantime I can kick the habit totally.

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Found some listed on ebay but they are asking 10 times the regular price for bronkaid. Its better just to wait till its back on the shelves at walmart and other stores that carry it. hopefully within a few weeks or less.

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