Bronchial Forums
Recently active Bronchial forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Bronchial and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Severe bronchitis event, followed by bronchial spasms and all nite coughing. Now feel somewhat asthmatic,had asthma as a child up to age 12 now 81. Was the coughing injurious to the avolia and should I not be surprised if this became permanent. ## Hello, JaCee! How are you? Our bodies do change, as we age, so it is possible that you've just developed asthma, again. It could even be the factor behind your developing bronchitis, according to the NIH. It happened to me recently, too. I'm 45 and had not had any severe allergy problems in years and no asthma attacks, either… but suddenly, I started having respiratory allergy issues, again, they lingered for awhile, turned into bronchitis and I still get asthma attacks. It is annoying, but just the way our bodies work, sometimes...
Who should use this medicine, dosage and how long? ## Hi Fran, This inhaler is used for the management of reversible bronchospasm associated with obstructive airway diseases (eg, bronchial asthma). It is also prescribed for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) on a regular inhaled bronchodilator who continue to have evidence of bronchospasm and who require a second bronchodilator. Dosage information and length of treatment is indicated to be provided by your doctor or pharmacist on a case by case basis. NOTE: I was able to locate dosage info for the liquid version of this medication, but I would think liquid has completely different administration instructions than an inhaler. I hope this info helps! ## When will this inhaler be available again in the market? Its b...
Please help. Is there any effective way to get rid of this disease known as bronchial pneumonia? The coldness doesn't go away... ## What medications have you tried? In most cases, antibiotics are effective, according to the NIH. They list the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash, and diarrhea.
can i use panafcort to treat flatwarts ## I have been given Panafcort, in conjunction with Clarihexal 500 XL, for a bronchial infection. Is this correct? Can I take this together, and what is the Panafcort for please? ## Can I use panafcort to help with an itchy skin? I do not have a rash or any known allergies, but I have been itching for days now.
my son has been in a drug court program for the past year and a half he is drug tested weekly and the entire time has not had any positive drug screen. he has 8 weeks left to program and tested positive for benzodiazephine. The only thing different is he has not been taking his prescription meds for his asthma and has taken walgreens brand bronchial asthma relief tablets to help his breathing. this medicine has ephedrine hci 12.5mg and guaifenesin 200 mg. could this cause a false positive ## No, neither the Ephedrine, nor the Guaifenesin have been known to cause false positives for Benzodiazepines. Learn more Benzodiazepine details here. Was he taking anything else, including other over the counter products? ## yes antihistamine for allergies and advair inhaler ## Just got results from ...
Is SMZ/TMP DS used for Bronchial infections? ## Sulfamethoxazole with Trimethoprim is an antibiotic and as such it is used to treat many different types of infections. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, skin rash and diarrhea. Read more: Is there anything else I can help you with? ## Can I split SMZ TMP DS 800-160 Tab Interpharm pills? ## pill markings are 44/159 ## my mom has something that looks like a rash ontop of her right ankle and she has a fever. whats wrong with her ## Can I split sms/Tom 's 800-160I interpharm
Im patients of NHL since 2005 and bronchial asthma.itake only deriphylin rtd 150 tab two time.when coughing i take cough serup like grilintus cd.but now the sesion is starts coughing attack to much pls help me which drug is suitable for me.
UpdatedI have found some large white pills. Round - scored on one side, or can break in to 4 sections. No imprint of letters or numbers only a Tear Drop or rain drop engraved on one side.. Too large to be Ecstasy. I think.. Can anyone pls help.. I have a feeling this could be related to a number of other meds that were for someone overweight with blood pressure problems and or other bronchial things.. Nonetheless i can't find a definition? or comment of any kind..
UpdatedMy 2 year,9 month old has just injested a scopex compound, I am extremely concerned. What are the side effects for my child. He weighs abt 18.5lbs. ## Hi nadia, It's hard to say how this medication might effect any individual, as everyone can react differently to prescription drugs. The best thing to do in my opinion is to keep a close eye on how your child reacts to the dosage given and simply remain aware and ready to take care of the following possible side effects, if any present themselves: Side effects of antimuscarinic agents include, dryness of the mouth with difficulty in swallowing and talking, thirst, reduced bronchial secretions, dilation of the pupils (mydriasis) with loss of accommodation (cyclopegia) and photophobia, flushing and dryness of the skin, transient bradyca...
I am suffering from Bronchial asthma and have been advised to take one puff each, first Asthaline inhalor and after few minutes one puff of Foracort Inhalor. It is providing me great relief for 24 hours.But I repeat the course as a routine daily in the morning alongwith bed tea.I want to know whether it is safe medication, has no sideeffects. ## Hi, Rampiara! How are you? All medications carry the risk of side effects, even over the counter products. Foracort contains the active ingredients Budesonide and Formoterol, it's most common side effects may include nausea, throat irritation, horsiness and trembling. Learn more Foracort details here. Asthalin contains the active ingredient Albuterol/Salbutamol and its side effects may include anxiety, headache, tremor and palpitations. Lear...
I have been taking Amoxik Clav 875mg for bronchial infection for three days now and the only good change I have seen or felt is no more fever, but the congestion and coughing is still going strong, I can't sleep, or rest, my rib gage is so sore from the pounding of the cough, so I found this product I had forgot I had ordered earlier this yr. online, called Mucus Relief DM, it's an Expectorant: Guaifenesin Cough Suppressant: Dextromethorphan HBr This product Loosens & relieves chest congestion, controls cough, and is Dye free. My question is, is it competable with Amoxil Clav? ## That is normal, an antibiotic can treat the underlying infection that may have caused the bronchitis, but it isn't going to do anything for the symptoms, until the infection is actually eradicat...
I have been taking Amoxik Clav 875mg for bronchial infection for three days now and the only good change I have seen or felt is no more fever, but the congestion and coughing is still going strong, I can't sleep, or rest, my rib gage is so sore from the pounding of the cough, so I found this product I had forgot I had ordered earlier this yr. online, called Mucus Relief DM, it's an Expectorant: Guaifenesin Cough Suppressant: Dextromethorphan HBr This product Loosens & relieves chest congestion, controls cough, and is Dye free. My question is, is it competable with Amoxil Clav? ## I didn't find any interactions listed between them, but you should double check this information to be certain. Learn more Augmentin details here. And yes, the antibiotic isn't going to help...
pl. inform use of drugs ## This contains the active ingredient Acebrophylline, it is used as a bronchial dilator and mucolytic. It's not commonly used in most countries, so I have very little information on it. But it's very similar in structure and action to Theophylline. Learn more Theophylline details here. Are there any other questions or comments?
Dose anyone know what this pill is: it's bright yellow smooth on one side and on the other there letters of CPC on top a line under it and the numbers 2529 on the bottom half. Can't find what is every where I look on and found nothing please help. ## Can you tell me what the country of origin is for this pill? Chances are it is either a prescription product from outside the United States or it can also be an over-the-counter product from anywhere. Any other details which you could provide would be very helpful such as manufacturer, packaging, etc... ## The pill is Walgreen's brand Bronchial Asthma Relief, which contains 12.5mg Ephedrine and 200mg Guaifenesin per pill. Hope that helps!
nursing consideration to this drug --solmux ## I believe this drug is not manufactured in the US. Solmux capsule is used to relieve cough associated with excessive Solmux capsule is used to relieve cough associated with excessive sputum or phlegm as in acute and chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis, and emphysema. Click on the link below to learn more.... ## Trinoma witnessed the unveiling of the newest and coolest cough relief in town – Solmux Chewtab!
want to know what is ansimar400mg tablet. ## Ansimar contains the active ingredient Doxofylline, it is used to treat Bronchial Asthma and other conditions, such as allergies, which may cause Bronchio-spasms. There seems to be limited information available, but there is a little here: Did you have any other questions?