Brintellix Permanent Withdrawal/brain Damage
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I've been prescribed brintellix for the treatment of depression almost a year ago.
I took 5 mg for a week, then up to 10 mg for two weeks, then up to 15, itching started so went back to 10 and then I got sick of this med so I dropped it alltogether. All in all, I took for 4-5 weeks.
When I stopped taking it I started experiencing withdrawal symptoms similar to withdrawal from Effexor:
Brain zaps, permanent agitation, permanent anger, inability to concentrate, stiff muscles.
I think that these symptoms decreased somewhat but they're not fully gone and I'm still experiencing them almost a year later(!).
Did someone else react in a similar manner? Was permanent brain damage caused?
I don't know what to do and I certainly can't go on living this way.

Thank you

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Hi Verwon,
It is11 months since I took my last pill.
Currently I'm taking only Propranolol to help manage the feelings of agitation.
There has been an improvement but I seem to have reached a plateau, I would say that symproms improved by 30%.
What I'm feeling is abnormal agitation and restlessness, tight muscles, no concentration. Just an inner feeling of unpleasant restlessness.

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How long has it been since you stopped taking it?

While such symptoms can be normal, when you stop such a medication, they should not linger for more than a month, or so, after stopping it, according to NIH studies.

Has there been any change? Are you still experiencing these symptoms? Are you on any other medications?

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