Brewer's Yeast Forums
Recently active Brewer's Yeast forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Brewer's Yeast and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.It seems that to make Avemar (fermented wheat germ) all you need to do is get wheat germ and mix it with water and brewers yeast for 18 hours at 86 degrees Fahrenheit. You can then use it and even make bread with it and eat some each day. Fortunately I don't need it but reading all the people who do it would be a whole lot cheaper than paying $200 for pills and not knowing if it will work. ## OK JOE, can u give me the exact percentage of each ingredient (wheat germ, water, and brewers yeast). Sounds interesting, I would like to give it a try. ## Figuring out the exact percentages of each ingredient would likely be a long shot, namely because the makers of Avemar have not even listed it for their own product. If they did, they'd probably lose out on a lot of business... but maybe...
I received the same. It was from HSI (Health Sciences Institute) in an ad for a "free" book titled Miracles From the Vault: Anthology of Underground Cures by Jenny Thompson. It was "free" with a newsletter subscription... The "infomercial" was vague about most of the "top seven" cures it supposedly detailed. H-86 was the first of them. It supposedly reduces (attacks) cancers but I cannot find any reference to it on the web other than questions. I've found many people on the web asking about this and the others (nitric oxide, policosanol, lion's mane mushroom) which are well known but no answers about the H-86. The closest thing I could find was a rabbit derived LHPP antibody but I think this is NOT the substance in question. ## i need daily health...
Hi i jus need to knw if taking brewers yeast can help with multiple ovulation which can result in twins i wud realy love to have twins so can it help ## Hello, Misslee! How are you? No, there is nothing you can use and no guaranteed way to ensure that you get pregnant with twins, I'm sorry. Are there any other questions or concerns?