Brand Names Of Hydrocodone Vary In Efficacy
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Hello. I am going into my 6th month since I've started taking hydrocodone. When I received my last refill, I noticed the medication was different. I assumed it was just a different "brand" and thought nothing of it. To shorten the dramatic details, I noticed my vision was getting blurry, shortness of breath, HIGH FREQUENCY constant ringing (?), and honestly my pain is still horrible. It's almost like I have a slight "head buzz" with disoriented thinking. Thus, I looked up the brand name of my previous pill and the new one. The ONLY DIFFERENCE I found is the "inactive ingredients"; my current one containing "crospovidone". Could this be the issue?! I KNOW if I speak to my pharmacist that I will probably just get a run around explanation and my doctor really can't tell the pharmacist what to do?..It's so dramatic, I'm so confused and suddenly feel desperate and haven't been myself at work. Please someone out there point me in the right direction. I thought I had a chance at a fair quality of life in dealing with my pain from an injury for the last few months, but overnight something so simple as a different brand of med has sent me in a spiral downward state! BTW, the new script is made by Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals. My previous scripts that worked fine were from Qualitest Pharmaceuticals.
16 Replies
Re: Tigwelder46 (# 6)
How does a person asking to change from the lousy hydrocodone (which barely works) to the Percocet without being viewed as a "druggie"? This is why I keep suffering through with the hydrocodone 10/325 instead of asking to be given Percocet. I used to take Percocet 10/325 about a year before I came to the doc I'm with now.
I know just what you are going through the pharmacy will tell you that it is the same just a different manufacture but qaulitest is the best I don't know why.
Google it, you'll get many answers! Also ask questions on this website! Many people are here to help you!
Confused in Kansas, each manufacturer of the generic hydrocodone or any medication for that matter has the right to put in any fillers they want. So they put in the correct dose of hydrocodone (hopefully) and can then use what ever fillers they want. This is how pharmaceutical companies are able to make the generic medications so cheap. Some of the fillers cause the medication to not be digested or absorbed in the stomach and the absorption doesn't start till way down in the intestines. This can give you the feeling that your not getting the same dose of medication and the fillers can also be the cause of major side effects. Always look at your prescriptions or ask the pharmacist who the manufacturer is. And if need be, go back to the pharmacist and let them know you have been on this medication for 6 months but this new manufacturer has caused some nasty side effects and you can't tolerate it. Also the cheaper pharmacies like Walmart always order the cheapest generic medications. I really hate Walgreens and their work with the DEA but they order from better manufacturers, I had to leave Rite Aid because of this. Best of luck!
I am concerned with differences in hydrocodone manufacturers. I just recently filled my extra and the meds made me fall asleep within 30 min. Where as my previous Rex's didn't do that. It seems the sleepy med is a bitartrate. (Generic) can anyone explain? Also a lot of generic hydrocodone varies in potencies.
Same exact medication ~ Watson is best, but the 109 is made by mallinckrodt and qualitest is also good but not as strong as mallinckrodt. I think it was something else; just take another and see if it happens again.
1st. Question I would ask (excuse me as I did not read the complete post). As you have stated oxycodone comes I various forms. I had been on percocet 10/325 for approx: 7 years and this was brand, not generic. I do need the Med. to maintain a quality life as mornings are literal hell. I have never abused and can relate with the ear ringing etc. Upon moving to Tenn Oct. 2016 I was receiving 'generic' as my ins. company refused 'Brand'. There is a huge difference and when brought to the attn. Of my pain spec. his suggestion was 15 mg. Oxy. I.R.! No aspirin buffer. He also pointed out to me being highly justified I receiving and opiate for pain that at 60yrs. old all the aspirin I have ingested over the years is A LOT! I now take 15 mg. oxycodone I.R. and have found a new world. No side affects at all. I was awakening 3× nightly just to use the bathroom. Not anymore 1x if any. The generics today must be watched. Tinnitus (ear ringing) and round about stomachs were a daily occurance on the generic, never on the brand! My apologies should this not be your answer but all medications need a few days adjustment period. However this writing should benefit any (especially older) who may have been taking and oxycodone with 'buffer'. Dr. willing this is by far your best route, as the same can be accomplished by taking and ibuprofen along with this medicine when needed. I have seen a huge difference in this manner of daily relief. Absolutely no heady feeling, ear ringing or sporadic nervousness. Best of luck, discuss any options with the Doc. Too much aspirin intake is not good for anyone! Hope this helps with even some.
I've been on the Mallinkodt brand for my current prescription 5/325 which is the only one I can take without having numerous side effects. However, at one time I was taking Mallinkdt 10/325 and they made me really sleepy and nauseous. Go figure. I really believe there are no real quality policies when they manufacture these medications within a wide range of FDA guidelines. They can put any fillers in they want. Watson always gives me tummy problems so I think they cut it with baby laxatives or something! For how hard they make us chronic pain sufferers go through to get these (atleast in Ohio), you would think they would tighten the msg.'s guidelines as well!
Mallinckrock Sp? Is horrible. I will not accept it ever again. Watson brand is the quality product you are seeking. Walgreens pharmacy carries Watson brand.
I've had the same problem. Got my first six months at Walgreens-WATSON brand and my last one at Wa-Mart the Mallincroft brand. The WATSON brand I don't have a problem with. The MALLINCROFT brand I have all kinds of issue. They don't tell you this at the pharmacy. Going back to Walgreens on the 31st! I'm having alot more pain while taking Wal-Mart's.
I would ask your if you can be put on Percocet 10-325mg because it is a stronger pain medicine and more effective with little side effects.If you do remain on your Hydrocodone tell the pharmacist that it's medically necessary for you to take the brand name that you had no problem's with.Ask your doctor to write on your next prescripton the words Medically necessary and circle it,if you don't do that the Pharmacist will fill it with what ever brand they have.Godbless
I have Adrenal Insufficiency. The Qualitest is the very worst generics according to all the social media groups for people like me. Also if you google that brand of hydrocortisone, you'll see the stories. I had a great deal of side effects and the med only lasted a couple of hours and I crashed. I now use Greenstone which every one recommends. Had to change pharmacies since mine could only get Qualitest brand. Also Par pharmaceuticals is the same as Qualitest. I have no dealings with the company you mentioned.
Hi I'm not on hydromorphone but I'm on tramadol and have noticed the same problem, I ways ask for the brand name now and my Dr writes brand name no substitutes.
I understand completely what you are experiencing. I went through similar issues and was also using Qualitest Endocets which worked better for me than any other brand that was given to me, however my pharmacy stopped carrying them due to the increased cost. I discovered though..( through a tip from my pharmacist ) that if your doctor puts down the brand name on your script that the pharmacy can then order them and my insurance does cover it. Perhaps this will not work in your case, but it did for me. I now just call the pharmacy the day before my appointment and they will have it the following day after I see my doctor.
Hope this might help you!
Actually, all you have to do is tell your pharmacy that you're allergic to one of the inactive ingredients in the medication and have them order the other generic brand you can take and have them put a note in your file. I had the same issue with my husband's adderall and told his pharmacist to order the generic brand he can take. They can't argue with you nor tell you no; they have to order the medicine you need and can take. If it has to be ordered then you must be aware that it can take up to a week for the pharmacy to receive the medication. So it would be in your best interest to bring your script to the pharmacy in advance so you won't run out. As for the pain med you have now, all you have to do is call the office of the doctor who prescribes it and tell them the problem. They will arrange for you to come in with the medicine so that the dr can count the amount you have and then he or she will keep that medicine to dispose of and write you a new script accordingly and authorize it to be filled through the health insurance and the DEA under special circumstances. I hope this has been helpful and wish you the best of luck with your recovery.
Is it possible to call around to different pharmacies and ask what their generic brand is? I just went through this with a bp med. I finally got so disgusted, I requested brand and paid for it out of pocket. I think hydrocodone isn't very expensive. .
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