Blue Oval Pill With Four Raised Lines On One Side (Top voted first)
UpdatedWhat is a light blue oval pill that's blank on one side and has 4 raised lines on the other about 1/2 an inch long? Is it an opiate?
8 Replies
Re: Anonymous (# 1)
the eclipse mint usually is blue on one side and white on other side side. this sounds like an Altoid artic mint....has the same lines but all blue
Re: Denise (# 3)
This blue pill is not Wrigley's mint. The pill is solid light blue with 4 lines on one side and nothing on the other, not sure what this is. I found one at work and threw it in the trash.
I had the same question until my brother showed me... It's Wrigley's Eclipse Mint
Re: Anonymous (# 1)
I looked up Wrigley's Eclipse Mint and their "Natural Germ Killing Eclipse Mint - Peppermint Flavor" has four raised lines on the light blue side as depicted, but the other blank side of the pill is white instead of blue, which wasn't mentioned by the original poster.
Just wondering if you happen to have any additional information that can verify this finding?
One thing is for certain though and that is, it's not an opiate (at least one that's manufactured in the US) as the FDA requires pill imprints for identification.
What is a thick oval light blue pill with no markings except 4 raised lines on one side and nothing on the other side?
Re: Hate drugs (# 4)
Hubby found four of these and we can’t identify them either. They’re large pills. Scary.
Re: Lucy (# 5)
i found one of these in a wallet at Good Will! thinking is this Fentanyl?!!! throwing it away now!!
I'm 100 percent sure it's like a TicTac mint Altoid or some kind of mint-like tropical candy, cause both sides are light blue, one side has 4 stripes, it's sweet and smells like mint.
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