Blue A106 Fluoxetine? (Page 3) (Top voted first)
UpdatedThis is the first time Costco mail order pharmacy has sent me these pills, the previous ones I have been taking for five years were also a generic but I do not remember their color but think they were two colors, one color was white and I believe the other was green. Ever since I started taking the blue pills, my FBSS pains in my legs have greatly increased. I took the fluoxetine primarily for relief from these pains, along with 150 mg Lyrica, 2mg clonoxepam, 50mg prestiq, 25mg amitriptyline, and 50mg lamotrigine daily. Is it possible that these new blue pills, which I understand are made in India by Alembic, are sufficiently different than the previous generic Fluoxetine to cause this increase in pain. Please help, the pain has been terrible since making this change. Thank you.
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