Bilocor Side Effects
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Have been taking bilocor for 3/4 years, have developed a scalp condition - pityriasis amantacea which my dermatologist can be a rare side effect of bilocor. Very distressing as it causes scales on the scalp that come away with hair so can cause patches of baldness. Can this be from the bilocor?

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Hello Judy,

I'm sorry to hear about this terrible situation. After doing some research I found that Bilocor contains the active ingredient Bisoprolol Fumarate which according to the National Institute of Health can in fact cause hair loss.

I suggest that you discuss this issue with your primary care doctor some more and see if there is a better medication or alternative solution to your current problem. I feel bad to have to respond with such bad news but at least now you have the information to start making changes.

I hope everything works out, best wishes and I hope this info helps.

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Could Bilocor affect one's memory? Since starting Bilocor my memory has suffered. Please comment on this.

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I take bilocor daily, but started having a runny nose and coughing from the approximate time of commencing with bilocor. I also take aspavor and ecotrin daily. I am 74 years of age and in good health. Can bilocor cause coughing?

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I have a pacemaker and use Bilocor 5 on a regular basis. Unfortunately, the Bilocor has rendered me totally impotent. Are there any alternatives without this side-effect?

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