Big Oval White Pill D 24 On One Side Nothing Other


I found this pill in my daughter's suitcase while visiting and nothing is on the label. Please help me. I can't find anything online to support the pills and let me know what it is.

10 Replies

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From what I'm finding, a tablet with this marking contains 600mgs of Gabapentin, which is an anticonvulsant that's also used to treat certain types of nerve pain and mood disorders.

Learn more Gabapentin details here.

Have you talked to her about it?

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The pill that you found in her suitcase is gabapentin which is a pain pill and nerve pill mixed which is used to treat certain types of nerve pain and mood disorders.. I hope this helps you

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You make it sound like it could be in the same category as certain narcotic pain pills such as OxyContin or percocet. Gabapentin is a NON-Narcotic medication used for many different things including treating nerve pain and seizures and is NOT a controlled substance. Do more research before you make this dumbass who shouldn't be going through his daughters suitcase in the first place the wrong idea such as his daughter is taking narcotics.

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It is 600mg pill call gabapentin it is for nerve damage

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Its not a controlled substance most take it for nerve pain,but it can also be used for withdraw from opioids.

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Re: Greg (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Who said anything about it being in the same category as oxy or anything else for that matter, no one has mentioned anything about it being a controlled substance or it being abused, that's obviously your opinion. You should maybe read the text properly before you reply.

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Gabapentin is a controlled substance and can be abused. If I take 3 or more of 600 mg gabapentin I'm sideways for many hours. It's almost like having a mild dizzy drunk feeling. It's a good medication when used right but I know first hand that 2 lady friends of mine can't function without them. They are addicted to them.

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Gabapentin is a controlled substance and can be abused. If I take 3 or more of 600 mg gabapentin I'm sideways for many hours. It's almost like having a mild dizzy drunk feeling. It's a good medication when used right but I know first hand that 2 lady friends of mine can't function without them. They are addicted to them. Effective July 1st 2018 it became a class 5 narcotic.

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Gabapentin (Neurontin)

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All I can say is if you are looking for relief from withdrawals from any kind of opiates Gabapentin / Neurontin either one has absolutely no effect to help you in any way except for the fact the first few times that you take it, it makes you sleep a lot. So therefore you can sleep through all of the pain that is associated with withdrawing from opiates.

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