Bethels S30 Information (Top voted first)


It's a weight loss pill w/ the following ingredients:

-15 omega
-nasturteum officinale
-sacred lotus leaf
-oister shell
-sickle pod senna
-chinnese fruit

5 Replies

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Then this is an over the counter item, not a prescription drug and finding information on it will be very difficult, OTC items are not regulated like prescription drugs.

Your best bet is to try checking herbal supplement sites or see if the manufacturer of the product has a website with more information.

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I'm looking for information on bethel's s30. Where can i get it from?

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I'm looking for bethel's weight-loss pills. Does anyone know about their availability?

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Hi. I am also looking to get information on where I can get the bethel s30, as I am in desperate need. Thank you for any details you're able to provide.

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The Bethels S30 is gone. :( They don't have it anymore. They are supposed to come out with another type but I am not sure when. Go directly to their website or call them and they will update you. I am soooooo bummed nothing ever worked as good as this pill!! Ever!!!!!

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