Betaclav 1000mg And Cortisone Side Effects


My 13 yr old son was given Betaclav 1000mg twice a day and pulmision 20mg twice a day for 5 days for a sinus infection. It is making him feel worse with nausea, headaches and weakness. Must I stop his course or continue?

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Those can be normal side effects of these medications, according to the NIH, but he should continue taking them, unless his doctor instructs otherwise. He may also experience diarrhea, stomach pain, acne, and non-allergic skin rash.

How is he doing? Has there been any change?

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He completed the course yesterday and today he seems slightly better although still nausea and lots of mucus in the tubes. His head still feels fuzzy, can feel mucus draining down his throat. Do I need to go back to the doc or you think he is on the mend?

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