Best Time Of Day To Take Viibryd - Morning Or Night?
(Newest replies first)
I was taking viibryd at night, but I couldn't sleep. Started taking it in the morning a few days ago. I'm sleeping fine, but today I fell asleep in the afternoon and couldn't wake up. My psych doc thinks it's helping me. I think he's right, but what can I do? The insomnia had some scary effects on my mental health, but how can I enjoy my life if I can't stay awake?
2 Replies
I take it at night. If I take it in the morning I'll have terrible nightmares that night because the meds are wearing off. As it is now, if I stay up late and put off my dose, I'll start getting brain shocks/zaps and buzzing in my ear. I doesn't hurt but can be a bit of a reminder to go take your meds.
How long have you been taking it?
Typically the side effects wear off, once your body gets used to the medication, but that can take about 6 to 8 weeks.
The FDA lists other typical side effects as possibly including nausea, and diarrhea.
Ref: Viibryd
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